
1、Some will cheer out loud; others willyelp as cherished beliefs are torn into.(有人会大声欢呼,其他人则会因为自己珍视的信念被撕得粉碎而痛声疾呼。)

2、And now companies including newspapers and consumer reviews websiteyelp are rolling out their own programs.(目前很多企业包括报纸和消费者评论网站yelp正推出自己的优惠券项目。)

3、yelp was a convoluted e-mail referral service before becoming a top review site.(yelp在成为顶级点评网站之前做的是email转交服务。)

4、Many animalsyelp or cry out when they're in pain.(许多动物痛苦时会发出嚎叫。)

5、This is a classic big data problem becauseyelp generates 100gb of log data every day.(这是一个典型的BigData问题,因为yelp每天生成100gb的日志数据。)

6、Yamagata, 57, let out ayelp as she hurried out into the street.(57岁的千惠子大叫了一声,匆忙奔到街上。)

7、Or on his own instinctive cries, like a gulp of surprise at the sight of falling water or ayelp of effort caused by smashing a rock into a skull.(要么基于他自己本能的喊叫,像是看到降水时惊奇地吞咽口水的声音,或是把岩石敲进头骨,使劲叫喊的声音。)

8、The popular recommendation serviceyelp, for example, is already integrated into Google Maps.(例如,备受欢迎的推荐服务yelp已经集成在GoogleMaps中。)

9、I learn of theiryelp account.(我知道了他们yelp的账户。)

10、Iyelp. "That's the witch lady's yard!"(我叫起来,“那是那个女巫的院子!”)

11、yelp generates revenue in part by letting those businesses advertise on the site.(yelp的收入部分来源于地方企业投放在该网站的广告。)

12、But both YouTube andyelp learned a valuable lesson from PayPal: the first idea isn't always the best.(但是YouTube和yelp都从paypal那里学到一个有价值的经验:头一个想法往往不是最好的。)

13、The original incarnation of Fwix, launched a year ago, focused more on aggregating content from sites like Craigslist andyelp instead of on local news.(Fwix的最初版本是一年前推出的,它专注于聚合来自Craigslist和yelp这类网站的内容,而不是本地新闻。)

14、I now useyelp as a directory to find all sorts of things.(我现在一直使用yelp作为查找各种东西的指南。)

15、His laughter was cathartic, an animalyelp that brought tears to his eyes.(他宣泄地大笑着,声如野兽,却把眼泪都笑出来了。)

16、Copy their info, shoveyelp to the bottom of the page and put Google Places and reviews at the top.(复制他们的信息,把yelp挤到页面的最下方,同时将GooglePlaces和评论置于页面顶端。)

17、I had to bite back ayelp of surprise.(我只好强忍着,没有惊叫出来。)

18、Might this man's company change mainstream commercial culture more thanyelp has?(比起yelp,Foursquare能给主流商业文化带来更大影响吗?)

19、While I wait on the sidewalk for Raj to arrive, Ilaunch theyelp app to look up the address of Alborz.(在人行道上等待Raj抵达之前,我运行了本地餐馆点评程序以寻找Alborz的地址。)

20、From the corner of the store, he heard his sonyelp, "What!"(在商店角落里,他听到他的儿子大叫:“什么!”)

21、For dining out, theyelp app has user restaurant reviews.(对于外出就餐,这款伊尔帕应用软件有餐厅评级的用户。)

22、“Ahh… jeez!” Iyelp. “That's the witch lady's yard! You're going to go get that!”(“啊……呀!”我叫起来,“那是那个女巫的院子!你得去把球捡回来!”)

23、You can write a draft review, but you have to visit theyelp website to post it.(你可以写一篇评论草稿,但你需要访问yelp网站才能发布它。)

24、Since the beginning,yelp was built for the consumer to use and contribute to.(从建站之初,yelp都是由消费者使用并贡献内容的。)

25、An excellent example of this paradigm at occurred atyelp " Real people."(这种模式的精彩案例出现在yelp“Realpeople。”)