
1、Thewind had freshened.(风变得又强劲又冷冽。)

2、The trees were swaying in thewind.(树在风中摇晃。)

3、Thewind whistled down the chimney.(风飕飕地顺着烟囱往下刮。)

4、The leaves rustled in thewind.(那些树叶在风中沙沙作响。)

5、A gust ofwind flapped the tents.(一阵风吹动了帐篷。)

6、wind was funnelling through the gorge.(风吹过峡谷。)

7、At last thewind dropped.(风势终于减弱了。)

8、The pines bowed in thewind.(松树被风吹弯了。)

9、A coldwind blew from the east.(东边吹来一股冷风。)

10、Thewind screeched in his ears.(风呼呼地从他耳边吹过。)

11、Which way is thewind blowing?(风朝哪个方向刮?)

12、Trees shelter the house from thewind.(树给房子挡住了风。)

13、Thewind gusted again.(风又猛刮起来。)

14、The machine is worked bywind power.(这台机器是以风力推动的。)

15、Thewind had strengthened overnight.(夜里,风更大了。)

16、Thewind has changed direction.(风向已经变了。)

17、Her skirt ballooned out in thewind.(她的裙子让风吹得鼓起来了。)

18、Thewind flipped over several cars.(大风吹翻了几辆汽车。)

19、Thewind is picking up now.(现在风愈刮愈大了。)

20、Leaves whirled in thewind.(落叶在风中旋转。)

21、wind speeds reached force five.(风速达到了5级。)

22、Thewind swelled (out) the sails.(风鼓起了帆。)

23、The icywind nipped at our faces.(寒风刺疼了我们的脸。)

24、Thewind will freshen tonight.(今夜风力将加大,气温下降。)

25、Has thewind changed direction ?(风向变了吗?)

26、Thewind rasped his face.(寒风刺疼了他的脸。)

27、There was a strongwind blowing.(正刮着一阵大风。)

28、Branches were tossing in thewind.(树枝随风摇曳。)

29、Thewind veered to the west.(风向转西。)

30、Thewind filled the sails.(风吹帆张。)