
1、How's yourvanilla?(你的香草怎么样?)

2、And the oak ageing gives it gorgeous flavours ofvanilla.(随着橡木的老化,还赋予了它芬芳的香草气息。)

3、In a large saucepan, combine milk,vanilla extract, and 1 tablespoon butter or margarine. Bring to a boil over medium heat, then remove from burner.(在一个大煮锅里,将牛奶、香草香精和1汤勺黄油或人造黄油混合。中火加热,烧开后从炉灶上取下。)

4、Could you mix up the eggs, milk,vanilla and cinnamon the night before? So all you have to do is dip bread in it for French toast the next morning.(你能不能前一天晚上搅好鸡蛋、牛奶、香草和肉桂?这样你第二天早晨只要将面包蘸进去就可以做法国吐司了。)

5、Add thevanilla and salt.(加入香草香精和食盐。)

6、Flavor Chocolate andvanilla have different flavors.(巧克力和香草精的味道不同。)

7、I also bought it invanilla.(我还买了香草味的。)

8、Cupcake has the flavour of chocolate,vanilla, and other kinds.(纸杯蛋糕有巧克力味、香草味和其它口味。)

9、Pretty good! Thank you! Can I have avanilla milkshake?(非常好!谢谢!我能要一杯香草奶昔吗?)

10、vanilla frosting - dessert after dinner.(香草糖霜——晚餐后的甜点。)

11、Ice cream: chocolate andvanilla.(冰激淋:巧克力加香草。)

12、Black pepper andvanilla are seed plants.(黑胡椒和香草是种子植物。)

13、Chocolate andvanilla have different flavours.(巧克力与香草味道不同。)

14、The method is plain,vanilla parsing.(该方法是一种普通的解析。)

15、The city is pretty much plainvanilla.(这座城市相当一般化。)

16、I'll have avanilla shake.(我要一杯香草奶昔。)

17、Ice cream:vanilla and chocolate.(冰激淋:香草加巧克力。)

18、Mix in naturalvanilla flavoring for a soothing snack.(此外,你还可以在点心中加入点天然的香草调味料。)

19、Take off heat, and add salt andvanilla.(关火,加入盐和香草。)

20、In this chocolate melting recipe, I use a little purevanilla extract to enhance the icing. However, you could also use peppermint or coffee.(在巧克力融化配方里,我使用小纯香草精来增强糖衣的糖度,但是,您也可以使用薄荷或咖啡。)

21、Thevanilla gives off a nice smell.(香草发出怡人的香味。)

22、Chocolate,vanilla or strawberry?(巧克力、香草还是草莓?)

23、I added a dollop ofvanilla ice cream to the pie.(我在馅饼中加了一块香草冰淇淋。)