
1、I hope this write up will be of use to all lovers out there living under thetyranny of distance.(我希望这些文字将对被距离阻隔的恋人们有所帮助。)

2、Justice will prevail overtyranny.(正义必将战胜暴虐。)

3、Factory employment brought thetyranny of the clock.(工厂的工作有严苛的时间规定。)

4、Today's managers are victims of thetyranny of the quarterly earnings report.(当今的管理人员成了季度收益报告的牺牲者。)

5、Patience and submission are the only comforts that are left to a poor people who groan undertyranny unless they are strong enough to break the yoke.(坚忍与顺从是可怜的人儿仅有的慰籍,她们在暴行面前只能低声抽泣,除非她们有力量挣脱枷锁。)

6、Love is a sweettyranny, because the lover endures his torments willingly.(爱情是一种甜蜜的暴虐,它使人心甘情愿地受折磨。)

7、Relativism does not entail that we should tolerate murderoustyranny.(相对主义不是在暗示人们应当容忍谋杀暴行。)

8、With Thomas and freedom, Oliver andtyranny?(汤姆斯就是自由,奥利弗就是压迫?)

9、Maybe the light will be a newtyranny.(或许光亮是另一种新的蛮横。)

10、These days it seems we must all submit to thetyranny of the motor car.(如今,似乎所有人都离不开汽车了。)

11、BACK IN the days of thetyranny of distance, the primal terror of Australians was the fear of abandonment.(在世界还被距离所主宰的时代,澳大利亚人最大的恐惧莫过于遭到抛弃。)

12、The philosophers generally agreed that humane authority would win in any competition with hegemony ortyranny.(哲人们基本上都同意仁道最终会赢得与霸道或者王道的竞争。)

13、The children had no protection against thetyranny of their father.(孩子们无法抵御其父的虐待。)

14、Thetyranny of evil men...(恶人的暴君……)

15、And yet we have succumbed to thetyranny of the popular, the typical, the average, or the norm.(然而我们屈服于大众观念,也就是说平凡和规范。)

16、I'm the sole victim of Mother'styranny.(我是母亲专横暴虐的惟一受害者。)

17、A new figure oftyranny to come?(新的暴君人物即将降临?)

18、By its servility it is the prey oftyranny, and by its credulity it is the foe of enlightenment.(因为他的奴态成为了暴君的猎物,因为他的轻信顽固成为了启蒙的天敌。)