1、His record reveals atough streak.(他的经历说明他个性坚强。)
2、It's going to betough, but these guys learn quickly.(这会很难,但是这些家伙们学得很快。)
3、He wants to be thetough rebel who bucks the system.(他想成为抗拒体制的强硬叛逆者。)
4、I had set myself atough assignment.(我给自己定了一项艰巨任务。)
5、He plays thetough guy in the movie.(他在电影中扮演硬汉。)
6、She is bright,tough and spunky.(她聪明、顽强而且干劲十足。)
7、It was atough race and I had to pace myself.(那是一场艰难的比赛,我必须放稳自己的步调。)
8、He is known for taking atough line on security.(他以在安全方面采取强硬路线而闻名。)
9、Their quarterback is onetough hombre.(他们的四分卫是个壮汉。)
10、The new democracies facetough challenges.(新生的民主国家面临严峻的挑战。)
11、She had a prettytough childhood.(她度过了一个非常艰苦的童年。)
12、She's atough lady.(她是个能吃苦耐劳的女士。)
13、You're just going to have totough it out.(你只好硬着头皮撑到底了。)
14、You think you're sotough, don't you?(你以为自己够厉害的,是不是?)
15、I've always been drawn totough, gutsy women.(我总是被坚强、勇敢的女性所吸引。)
16、She's hard-boiled,tough, and funny.(她冷峻、坚韧而风趣。)
17、It was atough decision to make.(那是个很难作的决定。)
18、The reptile's skin istough and scaly.(这种爬行动物的皮肤坚韧并带有鳞片。)
19、Tweed is timeless, tactile andtough.(粗花呢从不过时,手感很好,结实耐磨。)
20、He built up a reputation as atough businessman.(他树立起了一个坚强生意人的名声。)
21、That's atough call.(那是个艰难的决定。)
22、The meat wastough and flavourless.(这肉咬不动,又没有滋味。)
23、He's atough old bugger.(他是个铁汉子。)
24、Julia was a verytough, sharp-tongued woman.(朱莉娅是一个非常坚韧,说话尖锐的女子。)
25、'tough' and 'through' don't rhyme.(tough和through不押韵。)
26、He is finding prison life "realtough."(他现在发现监狱生活“非常艰苦。”)
27、He was criticized for histough stand on immigration.(他因在移民问题上立场强硬受到批评。)
28、It was atough but clean game.(这是一场打得艰苦但却是规规矩矩的比赛。)
29、He was the quintessentialtough guy.(他是个典型的硬汉子。)
30、She istough, unwilling to take no for an answer.(她很难对付,不答应不肯罢休。)