
1、These shoes should last youtill next year.(你这双鞋应该能穿到明年。)

2、There was music and dancingtill two in the morning.(音乐和舞蹈一直持续到凌晨两点。)

3、I'm happy to leave ittill tomorrow.(我愿意把它留到明天再做。)

4、I haven't got to leavetill seven.(我可以等到七点钟才离开。)

5、Lou prattled on about various trivialitiestill I wanted to scream.(卢就各种琐碎小事唠叨个没完,一直到我烦得都想尖叫了。)

6、I hadn't left hometill I was nineteen.(我直到19岁才离开家门。)

7、She rang up all the items on thetill.(她将各项款额都输入了现金出纳机。)

8、Can't you waittill we get home?(难道你就不能等我们回到家吗?)

9、Waittill I get my hands on him—I'll soon sort him out!(等他落到我手里—我马上会收拾他!)

10、Will the coffee last outtill next week?(咖啡够喝到下周吗?)

11、They couldn't get the baby offtill midnight.(他们直到半夜才把婴孩哄睡着。)

12、The game didn't liven uptill the second half.(那场比赛直到下半场才精彩起来。)

13、I've lived at home uptill now.(我一直住在家里。)

14、Just waittill you see it. It's great.(你就等着直到看见它吧。好看极了。)

15、The street is full of traffic from morningtill night.(街上从早到晚车水马龙。)

16、We could bang on the desks and shouttill they let us out.(我们会大声猛拍桌子,大声喊叫,直到他们放我们出去。)

17、They had to waittill Monday to phone the bank.(他们不得不等到星期一才打电话给银行。)

18、If nobody objects, we'll postpone the meetingtill next week.(如果没有人反对,我们就把会议推迟到下周。)

19、I'm on nowtill 8 tomorrow morning.(我正在值班,要值到明早8点钟。)

20、Waittill I get my hands on him!(等我抓住他再说!)

21、This job's going to take metill doomsday.(这项工作要花去我一生一世的心血。)

22、Waittill you see what I've found!(你等着看我发现了什么吧!)

23、Go down the roadtill you reach the traffic lights.(沿着这条路一直走到红绿灯处。)

24、She was determined to go out and shoptill she dropped.(她决定外出购物直到累得站不住才罢休。)

25、Bake the potatoes for 15 minutes,till they're nice and crisp.(把土豆烤15分钟,直到变得香脆可口。)

26、They're heretill Christmas.(他们将在这里一直住到圣诞节。)

27、Sit there and waittill I've done.(坐在那儿等到我做完。)

28、Liz works part-time from 10till 2.(利兹的兼职时间是10点到2点。)

29、We're opentill 6 o'clock.(我们营业到6点钟。)

30、We waitedtill twelve and we finally got on the plane.(我们一直等到12点,终于登上了飞机。)