
1、Godfrey had the makings of asuccessful journalist.(戈弗雷具备一个成功记者的素质。)

2、We have had asuccessful year, both collectively and individually.(我们这一年干得不错,无论是整体还是个人都取得了成功。)

3、His teaching methods are idiosyncratic butsuccessful.(他的教学方法很奇特,但很成功。)

4、I don't begrudge her being sosuccessful.(我并没有因她如此成功而怏怏不乐。)

5、This has not been a notablysuccessful project.(这个项目没有取得很大的成功。)

6、Anysuccessful manager is worth his weight in gold.(任何成功的经理都非常有价值。)

7、The play was verysuccessful on Broadway.(那部剧在百老汇大获成功。)

8、successful businesses are highly adaptable to economic change.(成功的企业对于经济转变的适应能力很强。)

9、Mr. Singh was a highlysuccessful salesman.(辛格先生曾是一位非常成功的推销员。)

10、Dennis had recently begun asuccessful career conducting opera.(丹尼斯最近成功地开始了指挥歌剧的生涯。)

11、Herbal remedies are remarkablysuccessful in treating eczema.(草药疗法医治湿疹非常成功。)

12、I wasn'tsuccessful, so they looked down on me.(我并不成功,所以他们瞧不起我。)

13、The end result is very good and verysuccessful.(最终结果很好、很成功。)

14、His invention was not commerciallysuccessful.(他的发明从赢利角度看并不成功。)

15、But the mission wassuccessful, gloriouslysuccessful.(但这次任务很成功,辉煌地成功。)

16、I didn't expect him to become asuccessful writer.(我没想到他会成为一个成功的作家。)

17、This product has been phenomenallysuccessful.(这种产品获得了极大的成功。)

18、Big,successful moves need bold, masterful managers.(大的成功的行动需要大胆有驾驭力的管理者。)

19、There's always been a stereotype aboutsuccessful businessmen.(对成功的商人们总有一种成见。)

20、He is the embodiment of the youngsuccessful businessman.(他是成功青年企业家的典型。)

21、Asuccessful campaign should have an element of surprise.(成功的宣传活动需有出奇制胜之处。)

22、He was verysuccessful in his middle forties.(他在四十五六岁时很成功。)

23、He's a reallysuccessful man—you can't argue with that.(他是一个真正成功的人—你不得不承认这个事实。)

24、Husband and wife were similarlysuccessful in their chosen careers.(夫妇俩在各自所选择的事业上都很成功。)

25、I think it's going to besuccessful.(我认为它将会成功。)

26、On balance, the company has had asuccessful year.(总的来说,公司这一年是成功的。)

27、Both hadsuccessful careers and the future looked bright.(两人都有过成功的事业,前途看上去很光明。)