
1、rain pattered against the window.(雨点啪哒啪哒地敲击着窗子。)

2、Therain began before sunrise.(雨是在日出前开始下的。)

3、The roads were slick withrain.(下雨路滑。)

4、Therain lashed at the windows.(雨点猛烈地打在窗户上。)

5、He was bareheaded in therain.(雨中他光着头。)

6、Therain beat against the windows.(雨点击打着窗户。)

7、Therain was teeming down.(大雨倾盆而下。)

8、Therain fell steadily.(雨不紧不慢地下着。)

9、Therain continued unabated.(雨势一直没减弱。)

10、rain splashed against the windows.(雨点啪啦啪啦打在窗户上。)

11、Therain fell without pause.(雨不停地下着。)

12、rain drove against the window.(雨打着窗户。)

13、Therain kept up all afternoon.(雨下了整整一个下午。)

14、After two days therain relented.(两天后,雨势减弱了。)

15、Therain came down in torrents.(大雨滂沱。)

16、It was teeming withrain.(大雨如注。)

17、Therain had freshened the air.(下雨使空气变得清新了。)

18、Let's wait until therain stops.(咱们等雨停了吧。)

19、It's threatening torain.(天可能要下雨。)

20、Therain was pouring down.(雨在倾盆而下。)

21、A lightrain began to fall.(小雨开始飘落。)

22、Therain is clearing slowly.(雨渐渐停下来。)

23、The earth was spongy fromrain.(雨后的泥土柔软且富有弹性。)

24、I think there'srain coming on.(我看要下雨了。)

25、The clouds threatenedrain.(乌云密布预示大雨将至。)

26、We plodded on through therain.(我们冒雨艰难地跋涉。)

27、Therain now was pelting down.(雨这时正哗哗地下。)

28、rain is spreading from the west.(雨正从西边袭来。)