
1、The letter was short and to thepoint.(这封信简短扼要。)

2、This lastpoint is crucial.(刚讲的这一点是关键的。)

3、He elucidated apoint of grammar.(他解释了一个语法要点。)

4、Can I just pick up that guy'spoint?(我能接着谈一下那个人的观点吗?)

5、It was the highpoint of the evening.(那是晚会最精彩的部分。)

6、Speed is key at thispoint.(在这个时候速度是关键。)

7、OK, you've made yourpoint !(好了,你已经把话说清楚了。)

8、What's thepoint of all this violence?(这些暴行的意图何在?)

9、My memory is not clear on thatpoint.(那一点我记不清了。)

10、The latterpoint is the most important.(后面提及的那一点是最重要的。)

11、Thepoint you make is perfectly valid.(你提出的论点完全站得住脚。)

12、He reluctantly conceded me thepoint.(他不情愿地向我承认了这一点。)

13、Yes, that's a goodpoint.(是的,那是个有说服力的论据。)

14、She firedpoint-blank at his chest.(她抵住他的胸口开了枪。)

15、Jill's nerves are stretched to breakingpoint.(吉尔的神经紧张得快到极点了。)

16、There's nopoint in getting angry.(发火是没有用的。)

17、The hall was filled to burstingpoint.(大厅里挤满了人。)

18、point taken. Let's drop the subject.(好吧。咱们就抛开这个话题吧。)

19、Let's consider thispoint further.(让我们更深入地考虑这一点。)

20、This leads naturally to my nextpoint.(这必然引出我的下一个论点。)

21、I must take you up on thatpoint.(那个问题我一定要找你问个明白。)

22、The ship sailed around thepoint.(那条船绕过了岬角。)

23、I think you've made yourpoint, dear.(我想你已经证明了你的论点,亲爱的。)

24、You may need to amplify thispoint.(你可能需要对这一点进一步予以说明。)

25、We disagree with everypoint she makes.(我们不同意她提出的任何观点。)

26、Now, the nextpoint is quite complex.(请注意,下一点非常复杂。)

27、Can you explain thatpoint again?(你能再解释一下那一点吗?)

28、There comes apoint where you give up.(现在你该放弃了。)

29、Could you expand on thatpoint, please?(请你把这一点详细说明一下好吗?)