
1、Taking a glance at the stone, you will see that it is just like a crouchedox.(蓦然看去,这石头像一头卧牛。)

2、He led theox by the nose.(他牵着牛的鼻子走。)

3、In the Code of Hammurabi, where someone'sox kills a child, then theox owner's child is killed.(在汉穆拉比法典里,如果某人的牛杀死了一个小孩,那么这头牛的主人的小孩也应处死。)

4、She's not a woman,she's anox.(这不是个女人,是一头公牛。)

5、We must lead anox by the halter.(牵牛要牵牛鼻子。)

6、A method was developed to determine clorsulon residue inox liver.(提出了一种能够测定牛肝中氯舒隆残留量的方法。)

7、Said theox to himself.(牛自言自语。)

8、It is anox!(它是一头公牛!)

9、When theox falls, they sharpen their knives.(牛倒了,他们就磨刀。)

10、Seven sheep and eightox.(七只羊,八头牛。)

11、Last year was the year of theox.(去年是牛年。)

12、Fierce-browed, I coolly defy a thousand pointing fingers; headbowed, like a willingox I serve the children.(横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛。)

13、The body is as strong as anox.(身体壮得像头牛。)

14、He cut out 230 plus paperoxen to welcome the Chinese lunar new year of theox.(他剪下230多只纸牛来迎接中国农历牛年。)

15、While most harvesting is still done manually, some have abandoned theox-pulled plow for tractors.(虽然大部分收割还是手工的,但有些人已经废弃了使用牛拉犁而改用拖拉机。)

16、She cried, you're anox!(她嚷道,你是头公牛!)

17、Theox was watching the frog getting bigger and bigger.(这头牛正在注视着这只越来越大的青蛙。)

18、You cannot flay the sameox twice.(一头牛不能剥两次皮。)

19、We've made a fire fit to roast anox.(火生得很旺,足以烤一头牛了。)

20、These people were hunters and the site contains remains of the bones of a variety of animals, including elephant, rhinoceros, red deer, ibex, and giantox.(这些人显然是猎人,遗址里有各种动物的骨头残骸,包括大象、犀牛、马鹿、野山羊和巨大的公牛。)

21、I was born in the year ofox.(我在牛年出生。)

22、Her heart is as strong as anox.(她的心脏强壮如牛。)

23、Good luck is much like theox hair.(好运多得像牛毛。)

24、It was a blueox.(那是一头蓝色的公牛。)

25、Man, I can eat anox!(兄弟,我可以吃下一头牛!)

26、But theox wouldn't hear what she said.(但是公牛不听她的话。)

27、Thisox did otherworldly plowing.(这头牛在另一个世界耕作。)

28、She is one year younger than I am; she was born in the year of theox.(她比我小一岁,是属牛的。)

29、He drove theox hard.(他使劲地赶牛。)

30、Thisox is mine.(这头公牛是我的。)