
1、Elaborate precautions were taken to prevent the foraging team usingodour clues.(为了防止觅食队伍利用气味线索,他们采取了周密的预防措施。)

2、Grey threads of smoke came from it, and itsodour as it burned was as theodour of the pink almond in spring.(缕缕青烟飞出,而它燃烧的气味仿似春日粉色的杏仁味儿。)

3、Their response, as studied, was to emit anodour.(研究发现,它们的反应是发出一种气味。)

4、It has theodour of musk.(它有一种麝香的气味。)

5、She always seems to be smelling a bad smell, Aunt Susan. Not an unpleasantodour . . . just a bad smell.(苏珊阿姨,她身上好像总是有一种难闻的气味,并不是那种臭味,但就是让人闻着不舒服。)

6、Participants in theodour condition felt significantly more pity than those in the neutral condition.(在“气味”条件下的参与者的比在“中性”条件下的参与者更有怜悯心。)

7、Oh, whatodour and what loveliness was there!(啊,那里是多么香,多么美啊!)

8、It has expunged theodour of decay that was once tangy with the chemical flavour of explosives and spent phosphorous.(曾经爆炸和燃过白磷的刺鼻化学气味已经消退了。)

9、I suppose people who do not eat garlic and Onions feel the same way about theodour of people who do.(我想不吃大蒜和洋葱的人对吃大蒜和洋葱的人的感受和此类似。)

10、What many people don't realise is that thisodour is produced when fish begins to spoil.(但多数人不知道的是,鱼开始腐烂才发出这种味儿。)

11、Theodour of the flowers says they are corpses; the evening bell tolls for the dead!(花的香气说她们死了;晚钟为死者而鸣!)

12、Theodour may be horribly from stink bombs and sewage, but new research suggests the foul fumes might not be all bad.(臭气很可能来自臭弹和污水,但新的研究表明臭气也不全是坏的。)

13、It has anodour similar to deep Fried walnuts which is extremely pungent to some people, causing a reeling effect.(它的味道与炸胡桃相似,对一些人来说,这种气味过于辛辣,会引起眩晕。)

14、The market was just not ready for shoes that could forward detailed analysis of footodour to manufacturers...(他们准备让鞋子传送关于脚臭的详细分析报告给制造商,但是市场还不能接受这种鞋子。)

15、The colour andodour are produced by Bacterial action on chemical constituents.(粪便的颜色和气味是细菌作用于化学物质的结果。)

16、The field gives forth anodour of spring.(田野散发出春天的气息。)

17、Theodour of pines pervades the air in the forest.(林子里的空气中充满着松树的气味。)

18、A smoky haze and theodour of burning metal or electronics filled the plane.(烟雾和混合电子味的金属燃烧的味道充斥整架飞机。)

19、Its foulodour drifts over nearby villages.(臭味在附近的村子上空弥漫开来。)

20、The fetidodour sickened the hospital workers.(恶臭的气味令医院工作人员作呕。)

21、A scent associated with a good experience can bring a rush of joy, while a foulodour or one associated with a bad memory may make us grimace with disgust.(一种与美好经历有关的气味会带来快乐,而一种恶臭或与糟糕的记忆有关的气味可能会让我们厌恶地做鬼脸。)

22、"It smells like…," we have to say when describing anodour, struggling to express our olfactory experience.(形容一种气味时,我们不得不说“它闻起来就像…”,从而努力地表达我们的嗅觉体验。)

23、Radon is a chemically inert, naturally occurring radioactive gas withoutodour, colour or taste.(氡是一种自然产生的放射性惰性气体,它无色、无味、无臭。)

24、By courtesy of the mourner, he endeavours to devour the nourishingodour.(承蒙哀悼者同意,他努力吞食滋养的气味。)

25、Inside there was a distinctodour.(里面有一种明显的气味。)

26、He was acutely aware of theodour of cooking oil.(他强烈地觉察到了烹调油的味道。)

27、At meal times theodour of sauerkrant vies with that of garlic .(吃饭的时候,德国泡菜的气味和大蒜的气味互相竟争着。)

28、SO2 is a colourless gas with a sharpodour.(二氧化硫是一种无色气体,带有刺鼻的气味。)

29、Theodour of food may trigger people's appetite.(食物的香味能引起人的食欲。)