
1、He mustobey it instantly, and go.(他必须立即服从命令,然后前往。)

2、You are toobey me.(你必须听我的。)

3、In addition, computers would also drive more safely than people—they wouldobey the rules and have quicker action times when in dangerous situations.(此外,电脑驾驶也会比人驾驶更安全,它们会遵守规则,在危险的情况下,有更快的行动速度。)

4、The activists were shot when they refused toobey an order to halt.(当那些激进分子拒绝听从要他们停下来的命令时,他们遭到了射击。)

5、The soldier had no alternative but toobey orders.(士兵们除了服从命令别无选择。)

6、People seem toobey only a public notice.(人们似乎只服从公共通告。)

7、Big fast-food chains in New York City have started toobey a first of its kind rule, requiring them to post calorie counts right on the menu.(纽约市的大型快餐连锁店已经开始遵守史无前例的规定,也就是在菜单上标明卡路里计数。)

8、South Carolina claimed the power to exempt its citizens from the obligation toobey federal law.(南卡罗来纳州宣称有权使其公民免除遵守联邦法律的义务。)

9、No explicit permission from ATC to enter is needed, although the pilot must continue toobey all regulations governing VFR flight.(尽管飞行员必须继续遵守有关视觉飞行规则的所有规定,但无需获得空中交通管制的明确进入许可。)

10、Children not only feel they shouldobey these rules themselves, but also that they should make others in the group do the same.(孩子们不仅要觉得自己要遵守这些规则,而且他们也应该让集体中的其他人同样遵守。)

11、You mustobey the captain's commands.(你必须服从船长的命令。)

12、You willobey me always and do as I wish?(你会听我的话,一切按照我要求的做吗?)

13、Drivers usuallyobey traffic rules.(司机通常遵守交通规则。)

14、Frightened by a look from their master, they left the kitchen toobey him.(他们被主人的目光吓住了,就服从他的命令离开厨房。)

15、Theyobey the one unwritten rule that binds them all–no talking.(他们遵守那条约束他们所有人的不成文规定—不许说话。)

16、The people of an oppressed countryobey their conquerors because they want to go on living.(一个被压迫国家的人民顺从他们的征服者,是因为他们想活下去。)

17、Germany thinks the euro must be saved by stricter rules on borrowing, spending and competitiveness, backed by quasi-automatic sanctions for governments that do notobey.(德国认为,必须通过在借贷、支出和竞争力方面制定更严格的规则来拯救欧元,并对不遵守规则的政府实施准自动制裁。)

18、Pleaseobey the rules.(请遵守规则。)

19、You mustobey orders.(你非得服从命令不可。)

20、We mustobey orders.(我们必须服从命令。)

21、Most peopleobey the law.(大多数人遵守法律。)

22、Will you kindlyobey the instructions I am about to give?(烦请您依照我要发出的指令去做好吗?)

23、Dogs can be trained toobey orders.(狗可以训练得听从命令。)

24、It was his duty toobey.(服从是他的职责。)

25、Those who refuse toobey might not have their leases renew.(那些不遵守规则的人可能无法续签租约。)

26、He threatened to disinherit her if she refused toobey.(他威胁说,若是她不服从就剥夺她的财产继承权。)

27、"I certainly have," said Pinocchio, "but from now on, Iobey."(“当然,”皮诺乔说,“但从现在起,我服从。”)

28、Soldiers mustobey their officers.(士兵必须服从长官。)

29、Clifford's only stipulation is that his clientsobey his advice.(克里弗德惟一的规定是他的客户必须听从自己的建议。)