
1、They are creatures ofmajesty and dignity. And they are of importance, objects of concern for the God who has created them.(他们是庄严而有尊严的生物。他们也非常重要,是创造了他们的上帝所关怀的对象。)

2、The officer knelt, and answered, "So please yourmajesty, he hath taken the life of a subject by poison."(那位小官跪下来回答说:“陛下,他用毒药毒死了一个臣民。”)

3、No matter, there is still the underlying idea that we cannot have a life of our own without concern for the ecosystem in which we live, whether inmajesty or not.(不管怎样,仍然有一种基本的观点认为,我们不能在不关心我们所生活的生态系统的情况下拥有自己的生命,不管它是否庄严。)

4、We are of the tail of the nobility, good yourmajesty.(我们是贵族的后代,陛下。)

5、A fine day, yourmajesty!(天气真好,陛下!)

6、Why don't you come to our country and pay him a visit, yourmajesty?(您为什么不来我们国家拜访他呢,陛下?)

7、I'm humbled by my experience, and regardless of how hard I try, my images pale in comparison to the canyon'smajesty.(我的经验使我感到卑微,无论我多么努力尝试,与大峡谷的威严相比,我的想象是苍白的。)

8、How splendid hismajesty looks in his new clothes, and how well they fit!(陛下穿这身新衣服多么好看啊!多么合身啊!)

9、Please yourmajesty to give the circumstance that solemn weight which is its due, seeing it was foretold.(陛下,这个事实是被预言过的,请您给予它重视吧。)

10、Tis not much, yourmajesty, yet perchance it may beguile a short half-hour for want of a better.(不多,陛下,不过,也许因为找不到更好的话题,就花短短的半个钟头讲讲。)

11、Antarctica left me awestruck by itsmajesty and beauty with a feeling that I had been to a magical place.(南极洲的雄伟和美丽使我惊叹不已,感到我已经到了一个有魔力的地方。)

12、The trembling Chancellor answered, "Good yourmajesty, I cry you mercy!"(吓得发抖的大法官回答说:“陛下圣明,我求您发发慈悲!”)

13、The deep color of the Purplemajesty variety comes from the same compounds found in blueberries, blackberries, blackcurrants, red cabbage, and aubergines.(这种紫色贵族品种的深颜色来自于在蓝莓、黑茶藨子、红球甘蓝和茄子中发现的同种化合物。)

14、Their heads are gone, if it please yourmajesty!(回陛下,他们的头都没了!)

15、In thy person bides themajesty of England.(英国的最高权威就在你的身上。)

16、They did not describe it, yourmajesty.(陛下,他们没有描述它。)

17、Themajesty of the skyscraper awed me.(这幢摩天大厦的雄伟气势令我惊叹。)

18、Splendor andmajesty are before him; strength and glory are in his sanctuary.(尊荣和威严在他前面;力量与荣耀在他圣所里。)

19、He replied: "Lord King, yourmajesty must excuse me, I am a poor huntsman."(他回答说:“国王陛下,请原谅我不能从命,我只是个可怜的猎人。”)

20、Tom was assisted to his feet, and approached themajesty of England, humble and trembling.(汤姆被扶了起来,谦逊地、浑身发抖地走到英国国王面前。)

21、"I'm a poor man, yourmajesty," he began.(“我是个可怜的人,陛下。”他开口说。)

22、Where shall I begin, please yourmajesty?(陛下,我该从哪儿读起呢?)

23、In Fenchurch Street a fair child, in costly apparel, stood on a stage to welcome hismajesty to the city.(在芬切琪街,一个穿着昂贵衣服的漂亮孩子站在舞台上,欢迎国王陛下来到这座城市。)

24、Trample not upon thy beseeching worms, O noblemajesty!(高贵的陛下,不要践踏你那哀求的可怜虫!)

25、Tom turned an inquiring look toward Hertford, who whispered, "Yourmajesty will signify consent."(汤姆带着询问的目光望着赫德福,他低声说:“陛下应表示同意。”)

26、You walk in the front door, Christ inmajesty—on the left side are the damned writhing and on the right side are the blessed looking a good deal happier.(你走进前门,威严的基督——左边是受诅咒之人在遭受苦难,右边是受保佑的人,看起来快乐得多。)

27、If yourmajesty will only be pleased to look at it!(只要陛下愿意看一看!)

28、Yet was not this all, yourmajesty; there is more and worse.(陛下,这还不是全部,还有更多更糟糕的。)

29、Please yourmajesty, the doctors testified that none die with such symptoms but by poison.(敬禀陛下,医生证明说,除了中毒以外,没有人会死于这种症状。)

30、The King looked anxiously at the White Rabbit, who said in a low voice, "Yourmajesty must cross-examine THIS witness."(国王不安地看着兔子,兔子低声说:“陛下必须盘问这个证人。”)