
1、Did you confide it to Ourlord?(你把这事告诉我们的上帝了吗?)

2、If thelord says so, I will do as he wishes.(如果上帝这么说,我会按照他的意愿去做。)

3、What further commands has mylord?(我的主人,你还有什么吩咐呢?)

4、Thelord giveth and thelord hath taken away—Blessed be the name of thelord!(耶和华所赐的,他已经收回。感谢上帝!)

5、She wants to belord of the sun and moon.(她想成为太阳和月亮的主人。)

6、With the help of thelord, you have made her well.(在上帝的帮助下,你令她痊愈了。)

7、He doesn't engage in conflict to protect hislord or country.(他不会为了保护他的领主或国家而卷入冲突。)

8、I know thelord will look after him.(我知道上帝会照顾他的。)

9、lord White is as sleek and elegant as any other millionaire businessman.(怀特勋爵像其他百万富商一样时尚高雅。)

10、I am Thine, Olord, I have heard Thy voice.(主啊,我属于您,我已经听见您的声音。)

11、Goodlord, what have you done to your hair!(天啊,你把头发弄成什么样子啦!)

12、lord have mercy on us!(主啊,可怜可怜我们吧!)

13、lord knows how tha' come here.(天知道你是怎么到这儿来的。)

14、'lord of the Flies' is a novel about English schoolboys marooned on a desert island.(《蝇王》是一本关于一群被困在荒岛上的英国男学童的小说。)

15、"Goodlord, that's what he is: he's a policeman."(“天哪,原来他是干这个的,他是个警察。”)

16、OURlord has helped me.(我们的上帝帮助了我。)

17、Thelord shall endure forever: he hath prepared his throne for judgment.(耶和华必存到永远:他已经为审判准备好他的宝座。)

18、Forgive me,lord, for I have sinned.(主啊,宽恕我吧,我犯了罪。)

19、He said, "Of a surety thou must remember me, mylord."(他说:“我的主啊,你一定要记住我。”)

20、Ourlord will not take him from me!(我们的上帝不会把他从我手中夺去的!)

21、lord, Tom, they're coming!(天哪,汤姆,他们来了!)

22、She married alord and lives in this huge house in the Cotswolds.(她嫁给了一个贵族,现住在科茨沃尔德的这所大房子里。)

23、She prayed now. "lord, help me to find courage."(这时她祈祷道:“上帝啊,赐给我勇气吧。”)

24、We ask this through ourlord, Amen.(奉主之名而求,阿门。)

25、Thelord is my shepherd and I shall ask for nothing.(耶和华是我的牧者,我一无所求。)

26、lord knows, I tried to teach her.(谁都知道,我曾经努力想教她。)

27、We bless your holy name, Olord.(主啊,我们颂扬您的圣名。)

28、Good day to mylord, the Emperor!(皇上您好!)

29、We beseech thee, Olord.(主啊,我们恳求您。)