
1、Unfortunately, ourlatitude was not the best gardening zone for these.(遗憾的是,我们所处的纬度不是十分适宜栽培这些植物的地带。)

2、A simple regular expression is used to extract thelatitude and longitude from the XML.(使用简单的正则表达式从XML提取纬度和经度。)

3、Conversion fromlatitude/longitude to UTM(将经纬度转换为UTM)

4、Applications should offer as muchlatitude as possible to the user.(应用程序应尽可能地为用户提供更高的自由度。)

5、Sunlight andlatitude at birth may affect menopause later in life.(出生时阳光和纬度影响生命后期的更年期症状。)

6、If they kept on going, and the next night they saw the pair of stars setting separately, then they would know that they were at a different degree oflatitude.(如果他们继续走,第二天晚上看见这两颗星星分别落下,就知道他们在不同的纬度上了。)

7、Most oceanic islands are similar to one another inlatitude and contain plants and animals typical of tropical islands.(大多数海洋岛屿彼此都纬度相近,并且都有热带岛屿典型的动植物。)

8、The annual total rainfall of 300 mm seems somewhat low for the region at theselatitude.(就位于这些纬度的这一地区来说,年总降水量300毫米似乎少了一些。)

9、The first paradox for the visitor has to do with one'slatitude of departure.(第一点自相矛盾之处与到访者出发时的纬度有关。)

10、Coordinates: maximumlatitude, minimumlatitude, maximum longitude, minimum longitude.(坐标:最大纬度、最小纬度、最大经度、最小经度。)

11、This data object merely wraps a pair oflatitude and longitude values.(数据对象只用来包装经度和纬度值对。)

12、Before 1953,latitude-longitude identification methods were used to tag hurricanes.(1953年以前,人们习惯以经纬度坐标识别来标志飓风的。)

13、The scarcity of surviving evidence gives Ms Sobel some poeticlatitude.(现存证据的不足让索贝尔有了诗意想象的自由。)

14、Willlatitude Become the De Facto Mobile Social Network?(latitude会成为事实上的移动社交网络吗?)

15、This precision-tradeoff approach often captureslatitude and longitude into (Cartesian) tiers.(这种在精确度上采取折衷的方法通常将纬度和经度封装到层中。)

16、This is because middle- and upper-latitude timberlines are strongly influenced by the duration and depth of the snow cover.(这是因为中纬度和高纬度地区的林木线受到积雪存留时间和厚度的强烈影响。)

17、Over-Friending is a Bad Idea onlatitude.(在纵横上“过度朋友”很糟糕。)

18、But generally, courts give local administrators greatlatitude.(不过总体上,法庭还是给了当地管理者以较大的自由。)

19、Temperature does not explain their observations from around 42 degreeslatitude.(气温并不能解释他们在约纬度42度观察到的结果。)

20、latitude: the closer to the equator, the higher the UV radiation levels.(纬度:越接近赤道,紫外线辐射水平就越高。)

21、It's not like a map, where every position can be defined by longitude,latitude and altitude.(这不是像地图,地图上每一个位置可以通过经度,纬度和海拔高度来定义。)

22、Why would anyone care about their exactlatitude and longitude?(难道所有人都关心自己所在的确切经纬度?)

23、He noted thelatitude and longitude, then made a mark on the admiralty chart.(他记下经度和纬度,然后在海图上作了标记。)

24、latitude and longitude Numbers have a reasonable upper and lower bound for North America.(对于北美而言,经度和纬度数字有一个合理的上下限。)

25、The map even includes lines oflatitude and longitude.(这张地图甚至包含了经线和纬线。)

26、A teacher deserves widelatitude in selecting the method of grading that best promotes learning in her classroom; that is, after all, the prime function of grades.(在选择最能促进课堂学习的评分方法时,教师应具有很大的自由度;毕竟,这是成绩的主要用途。)

27、The subsolar point will cross everylatitude between these two extremes exactly twice per year.(太阳直射点每年恰好两次穿越这两个极端之间的所有纬度。)