
1、This deal is little more than a fig leaf for the continued destruction of thelandscape.(这笔交易只不过是对自然景观持续破坏行为的遮掩而已。)

2、He was lost in the contemplation of thelandscape for a while.(他沉湎在对风景的凝视中好一会儿。)

3、From the plane, thelandscape was just a patchwork of fields.(从飞机上俯瞰,满目是田园交错的景色。)

4、The beauty of thelandscape overwhelmed me.(秀丽的风光令我深深地陶醉。)

5、Grand, solemn, and dark was the wholelandscape around.(周围的景色伟大、庄严而深沉。)

6、Dekkeret found thelandscape startling in its ugliness.(德克雷特发现那风景难看得令人吃惊。)

7、This pattern of woods and fields is typical of the Englishlandscape.(这是具有典型英格兰风景特征的森林与田野。)

8、Thelandscape has remained predominantly rural in appearance.(该风景看上去主要保留了乡村风貌。)

9、The naturallandscape of Tibet is worthwhile to visit.(西藏的自然景观值很得去参观。)

10、We meandered through alandscape of mountains, rivers, and vineyards.(我们在有群山、河流和葡萄园的风景中漫步。)

11、The vast volcanic slope was eerily reminiscent of a lunarlandscape.(巨大的火山坡很奇怪地让人想起月球上的景观。)

12、The church tower was a prominent feature in thelandscape.(教堂的尖塔曾经是此地景观的重要特色。)

13、He has a close affinity with thelandscape and people he knew when he was growing up.(他对他成长过程中所熟悉的景色和人们有一种很强的亲切感。)

14、The road stretched ahead across the flatlandscape.(公路向前延伸,经过一片平坦的地。)

15、Small coastal towns dot thelandscape.(海滨小镇到处都是。)

16、Thelandscape had a stark, unworldly beauty.(那景色有一种简朴、超凡的美。)

17、Thelandscape is broken only by a string of villages.(这风景仅仅是被一排村庄所破坏。)

18、My suggestion islandscape plus Chinese calligraphy.(我的建议是风景加中国书法。)

19、Malone looked out at the grey-green featurelesslandscape.(马龙望向灰绿色、毫无特色的景观。)

20、None of them owns thelandscape.(他们都不能占有这片风景。)

21、Lofty derricks dot thelandscape in an oil field.(高耸的井架点缀着油田的景色。)

22、It was dark and a giant moon lit the road so brightly you could see thelandscape clearly.(天黑了,一轮明月照亮了道路,你都可以清楚地看到风景。)

23、Thislandscape seemed to trap and amplify sounds.(这种地形好像能聚拢和扩大声音。)

24、The boy began alandscape painting.(那个男孩开始画一幅风景画。)

25、Aesthetic effect came from thelandscape, new materials and forthright detailing.(美学效果来自于风景、新材料和直白的细节。)

26、Picasso saw thislandscape and decided he was going to paint it, immediately.(毕加索看到了这一风景,立刻开始画画。)

27、He described himself grandly as a 'landscape architect'.(他自封为“景观建筑师”。)

28、Thelandscape seemed to stretch into infinity.(风景似乎延伸到了无穷远处。)

29、It's an article about its history, culture andlandscape.(这是一篇关于其历史、文化、景观的文章。)