
1、Thatladder looks a little shaky.(这梯子看来不大牢靠。)

2、The ceiling he had just plastered fell in and knocked him off hisladder.(他刚抹过灰泥的那块天花板脱落了,把他从梯子上砸了下来。)

3、He was up aladder sawing off the tops of his apple trees.(他在梯子上锯苹果树的树冠。)

4、With the help of aladder, neighbours were able to rescue the children from the blaze.(邻居们借助一把梯子把孩子们从大火中救了出来。)

5、Two men were on the bridge-deck, steadying aladder.(两人站在船桥甲板上,扶稳一个梯子。)

6、If they want to climb theladder of success they should be given that opportunity.(如果他们想攀登成功的阶梯,他们应该被给与那个机会。)

7、They want to see more women take their place higher up the corporate or professionalladder.(他们希望看到更多女性担任公司或职业阶梯上更高的职位。)

8、He put his foot on the bottom rung to keep theladder steady.(他用脚踩住最底下的横档稳住梯子。)

9、In the sudden pitch darkness, she scrambled clumsily toward theladder.(在突如其来的一片漆黑中,她笨手笨脚地爬向梯子。)

10、She fell off aladder and broke her arm.(她从梯子上掉下来,摔断了胳膊。)

11、Theladder blew sideways.(那梯子从一旁倒下了。)

12、The loft can be accessed by aladder.(搭梯子可以上阁楼。)

13、But don't climb theladder.(但不要爬梯子。)

14、The local paper featured me standing on a stepladder with a caption, "Wendy climbs theladder to success."(当地的报纸刊登了一幅我站在活梯上的特写,下面写着:“温迪登上了成功之梯。”)

15、He was halfway up theladder.(他梯子上到了一半。)

16、Thatladder looks very precarious.(那梯子看来摇摇晃晃的。)

17、Double-check that theladder is secure.(再检查一下梯子是否安全。)

18、Be careful climbing thatladder. Look what happened last time.(爬那梯子时小心点儿。上次不就出事了么。)

19、He climbed theladder to the next deck.(他登上梯子爬到了上一层甲板。)

20、He was climbing theladder.(他爬梯子。)

21、He got down from theladder.(他从梯子上下来了。)

22、Don't walk under thatladder!(不要从那把梯子下面走过!)

23、Thisladder doesn't seem very stable.(这架梯子好像不太稳。)

24、If you have to climb up, use a firm platform or a sturdyladder.(如果你必须爬上去,就用一个稳固的平台或者一个结实的梯子。)

25、Here, where are you going with thatladder?(嘿,你要把梯子搬到哪里?)

26、Are you holding theladder?(你在扶着梯子吗?)

27、Some people think it's unlucky to walk under aladder.(有些人认为从梯子下面走过不吉利。)

28、I fell off theladder.(我从梯子上跌了下来。)

29、Can you climb thatladder?(你能爬那个梯子吗?)

30、Some people think it is unlucky to walk under aladder.(一些人认为在梯子下走会倒霉。)