
1、I believed that most people arekind-hearted.(我相信大多数人都是心地善良的。)

2、Beneath his gruff exterior, he's really verykind-hearted.(他外表冷漠,心地却十分善良。)

3、On hearing a loud cry, thekind-hearted waitress rushed in.(听到一声大叫,好心的女服务员冲进房来。)

4、Thiskind-hearted girl, pitying the misery of Toad, said to her father one day, "Father!"(有一天,这个善良的姑娘为托德的不幸遭遇感到同情,对她的父亲说:“父亲!”)

5、Most people arekind-hearted and want to lend a helping hand.(大多数人都是善良的,想要伸出援助之手。)

6、The world needs more people who arekind-hearted, self-loving, and compassionate.(我们的世界,太需要更多富于爱心、爱自己、仁慈的人们了。)

7、Snow White is a good looking andkind-hearted girl.(白雪公主是一个漂亮的和善良的女孩。)

8、That I was moved, so I waskind-hearted heart has become more soft and wide.(这让我很感动,让我原本善良的心变得更加柔软和宽阔。)

9、Met akind-hearted and beautiful girl , it was his dream.(遇到一个美丽善良的女孩子,那是自己的梦寐以求。)

10、They are now realizing just how much they owe tokind-hearted strangers.(他们现在意识到那些心地善良的陌生人帮了他们很多。)

11、In the end, akind-hearted man let them stay in his stable with the donkeys and sheep.(最后一名好心的男子让他们借住于马厩中,与驴子和羊只同睡。)

12、The fat, lazy but brave andkind-hearted Po will hit China's big screen on Friday.(肥胖,懒惰却又勇敢和善良的阿宝将于周五在中国银屏上映。)

13、I drew a coffin, lie inside you and she. Ikind-hearted, let you die together.(我画了一个棺材,里面躺着你和她。我多么善良,让你们死也在一起。)

14、Once there was a very helpful andkind-hearted man.(从前,有一个非常乐于助人、心地善良的人。)

15、We don't meet very often in holiday blessing but SMS or meetkind-hearted trip.(我们不经常见面却在节假日发发祝福的短信或是相约出去旅行。)

16、What you said must be a beautiful, tender, courageous andkind-hearted Ili girl.(你说的一定是一位非常美丽、温柔、勇敢、善良的伊犁姑娘。)

17、A long time ago, twokind-hearted and diligent brothers lived in a village.(很久很久以前,有一对善良而又勤劳的兄弟俩,他们住在一个小村庄里。)

18、Raising a pet is a good way to make the childkind-hearted and responsible.(饲养宠物是一种好让孩子有善良和有责任心的好方法。)

19、Thekind-hearted lady saved me.(善良的夫人救了我。)

20、I dont understand why Susan, akind-hearted girl, my sufferings.(我不明白为什么苏珊,一位好心的女孩,应该喜悦我的苦难。)

21、They are suchkind-hearted teachers that people in the village all respect them.(他们都是非常热心的老师,村里的人都尊敬他们。)

22、No body knows (that) the ugly man iskind-hearted.(没有人知道那个样貌极丑的男子心地善良。)

23、The teachers arekind-hearted.(老师们都是善良的。)

24、Whatever you say, I believe she is akind-hearted woman.(不管你说什么,我都相信她是个好心的女人。)

25、For all her rudeness, she's actually quite akind-hearted old soul.(尽管她没有礼貌,但她实际上是一个非常善良的老人。)

26、He was a warm, generous andkind-hearted man.(他是个热情、大方又热心肠的人。)