1、We need their support, it is pointless to sit there andjeer when someone makes a mistake.(我们需要他们的支持,坐在看台上当有人犯错就抱以嘘声,这是毫无意义的。)
2、Do notjeer at the mistakes or misfortunes of others.(不要嘲笑别人的错误或不幸。)
3、There were several thousands of them in the town and none of them seemed to have anything to do except stand on street corners andjeer at Europeans.(闹得最凶的是年轻的和尚,该市有好几千个,个个似乎都没有别的事可做,只是站在街头,嘲弄路过的欧洲人。)
4、Not fromjeer by 1: "Certainly come!"(不由冷笑一声:“当然来的!”)
5、Thatjeer is tossed across the Atlantic pretty frequently.(这一跨越大西洋的讥嘲几乎是家常便饭。)
6、They alljeer at the foolish speaker.(他们都嘲笑那个愚蠢的演说者。)
7、You mayjeer, but can you do any better?(你可以“讥笑”,但你能做得更好吗?)
8、I love it when peoplejeer me.(我很喜欢人们嘲笑我。)
9、Do notjeer at the misfortunes of others.(不要嘲笑别人的不幸。)
10、Fight Chun Xuan to hang up lipjeer, melodrama several bottoms, threw an side, proceeded to downwards disassemble a packaging.(战淳轩勾唇冷笑,把玩几下,就丢到了一旁,继续往下拆包装。)
11、Don'tjeer at the mistakes of others.(别嘲笑别人的错误。)
12、If theyjeer you or applaud, it means you provoked a reaction and some feeling in them.(如果他们嘘你或者为你鼓掌,这意味着你引发了他们的反应,他们对你有感觉。)
13、Here comes the little fenian, they'djeer.(他们会嘲弄地说,“小芬尼亚来了。”)
14、Tojeer or shout AT a player, speaker, or team.(对表演者、讲演者和队员嘲笑或大嚷。)
15、The more time you spend at Fenway Park, the more you can distinguish onejeer from another. It's like knowing a baby's multiple cries.(你要是待在芬威球场时间够久的话,你很容易就能分辨各种嘘声所代表的不同意义。就好像妈妈总是能分别婴儿的各种哭声一样。)
16、He was stabbed to the heart by the girl'sjeer.(那女孩的嘲讽深深地刺伤了他的心。)
17、Most cons crowd to the fence to gawk andjeer, but Red and his group mount the bleachers and settle in comfortably.(大部分犯人聚在围栏边观看并嘲笑着新犯人,而瑞德和同伴们则舒舒服服的待在看台上。)
18、Look at those saddos going to the Royal Opera House, I wouldjeer.(看到那些去皇家歌剧院的蠢家伙,我会不屑一顾。)
19、As far as we know, there is always an audience watching our every move with rapt attention, ready to applaud orjeer at any second.(我们都知道,时刻会有观众饶有兴致地关注着我们的一言一行,随时准备鼓掌或加以嘲弄。)
20、To shout against;jeer at.(对…大嚷;嘲笑。)
21、Childrenjeer and their parents whisper about street dogs disappearing into cooking POTS.(孩童们开始嘲笑,父母们开始窃窃私语:街上的狗怎么就到了烹饪锅里?)
22、Here stands Columbus, whom the street boys used once to follow andjeer, because he wanted to discover a new world; and he has discovered it.(现在站在我们面前的是哥伦布,正因为他想发现一个新世界而已经发现这个新世界,一群街头玩童一度追逐着嘲笑他。)
23、They began tojeer and insult him more than the other boys.(他们开始比其他男孩都更凶狠地嘲笑他、辱骂他。)
24、Words are learned of arousing the strongest emotions and prompting all man's operations, Do notjeer the use of words in psychotherapy.(言辞能激起最大强烈的情感,促进人的一切行动。不要嘲笑言辞在心理治疗当中的的用途。)
25、Spend a not intentional in the mind but is inwardlyjeer at 1.(花无心心里却是暗自冷笑一声。)
26、Please don'tjeer at my efforts.(请不要嘲笑我的努力。)