
1、It's anideal proving ground for the new car.(这里是个理想的新车试验场。)

2、He has found hisideal mate.(他已经找到了理想的配偶。)

3、In regard to disaster activity, long-term partnerships areideal.(关于灾难活动,长期合作关系是理想的。)

4、He was dressed in a pyjama and kurta,ideal for a summer evening.(他穿着宽松裤和宽松衬衫,那是夏日夜晚的理想穿着。)

5、In anideal world there would be no poverty and disease.(在理想的世界里将没有贫穷和疾病。)

6、Any attempt to construct anideal society is foredoomed to failure.(任何构建理想社会的努力都注定要失败。)

7、It's easy to make a wrong turn here even underideal weather conditions.(即使在非常理想的天气条件下,也很容易在这里拐错弯。)

8、We do not live in anideal world.(我们并非生活在一个完美的世界里。)

9、Theideal candidate will be an effective communicator.(理想的候选人定要是善于沟通的人。)

10、Town gardens areideal because they produce flowers nearly all year round.(城市花园是理想的,因为它们几乎全年都开花。)

11、The book contrasts modern civilization with theideal of the noble savage who lived in harmony with nature.(这本书将现代文明同与自然界和谐相处的高尚野蛮人的理想进行了对比。)

12、The play is anideal vehicle for her talents.(这部戏是她施展才华的理想机会。)

13、Venezuela is theideal starting point to explore the grandeur and natural beauty of South America.(委内瑞拉是探索南美的宏伟壮观与自然美景的理想出发点。)

14、The Great Western Hotel isideal, costing around 90 a night for a double.(大西酒店是理想的,双人房间每晚约£90。)

15、Myideal is to be an astronomer.(我的理想是当一个天文学家。)

16、In regard to disaster response, this isideal.(关于灾难反应,这是理想的。)

17、And walking is anideal form of exercise.(步行是一种理想的锻炼方式。)

18、In anideal world Karen Stevens says she would love to stay at home with her two-and-half-year-old son.(卡林·斯蒂芬斯说,她愿意和两岁半的儿子待在家里,但那只是理想状态。)

19、The room's style exemplifies theirideal of "beauty and practicality."(这个房间的风格是他们“美观实用”理想的典范。)

20、This great book isideal for both the travelling supporter and the armchair fan.(这本了不起的书对于旅行的和足不出户的支持者们都是理想的。)

21、I exerted all my energies for myideal college.(为了进入我理想的大学,我会尽最大的努力。)

22、The arrangements, though notideal, are fairly satisfactory.(安排虽不算理想,但也相当令人满意。)

23、Television advertising propagates a false image of theideal family.(电视广告传播着理想家庭的一种假象。)

24、The town is anideal base for touring the area.(这个镇子是在这一地区旅游观光的理想据点。)

25、Warm milk is theideal breeding ground for bacteria.(温牛奶是细菌理想的繁殖地。)

26、I know it's notideal but there you go...(我知道这并不理想,但只好这样啦…)

27、In anideal world we would be recycling and reusing everything.(我们要是能回收并再利用所有的东西就再理想不过了。)

28、The arrangements, if notideal, are fairly satisfactory.(安排虽不算理想,但也相当满意。)

29、Parts of the shop were very dirty, unhygienic, and anideal breeding ground for bacteria.(商店的一些地方非常不卫生,是细菌滋生的理想之地。)

30、Things aren'tideal, but that's the best you can hope for.(事情并不理想,但你只能指望这些了。)