
1、Hishobby is exercising.(他的爱好是运动。)

2、Myhobby is surfing the Internet.(我的爱好是上网。)

3、Myhobby is ice skating!(我的爱好是滑冰!)

4、Scrapbooking is ahobby.(剪贴簿是一种爱好。)

5、Reading is the onlyhobby I can speak of.(读书是我唯一值得一提的爱好。)

6、Hishobby is drawing cartoons.(他的爱好是画卡通。)

7、It's my mainhobby.(那是我的主要爱好。)

8、Myhobby is listening songs.(我的爱好是听歌。)

9、Everyone needs ahobby.(人人需要一爱好。)

10、Cooking is myhobby.(烹饪是我的嗜好。)

11、Hishobby is freefall parachuting.(他的业余爱好是自由落体式跳伞。)

12、Myhobby is collecting butterflies.(我的业余爱好是收集蝴蝶。)

13、Myhobby is bowling. Do you have ahobby?(我的爱好是打保龄球,你有爱好吗?)

14、Myhobby is playing the board game.(我的爱好是玩棋盘游戏。)

15、An old hand at photography, Tim has been shooting wildlife as ahobby for the last 13 years.(蒂姆是一位摄影老手,在过去13年里一直以拍摄野生动物为业余爱好。)

16、Joy'shobby is collecting dolls.(乔伊的爱好是收集洋娃娃。)

17、My favoritehobby is playing basketball.(我最喜欢的业余爱好是打篮球。)

18、Hishobby is skipping rope.(他的业余爱好是跳绳。)

19、Turn what you already love into ahobby.(把你已经喜欢的事情变成一种爱好。)

20、Reading magazines is myhobby.(阅读杂志是我的爱好。)

21、He hasn't got any hobbies—unless you call watching TV ahobby.(他没有什么爱好—除非你把看电视也称作爱好。)

22、Hishobby is planting flowers.(他的爱好是种花。)

23、Driving is myhobby.(驾驶是我的爱好。)

24、I think making cakes is mostly myhobby.(我认为做蛋糕是我主要的爱好。)

25、Hishobby is hiking.(他的爱好是徒步旅行。)

26、The thirdhobby is films.(第三个爱好是看电影。)

27、Myhobby is playing badminton.(我的爱好是打羽毛球。)

28、I bake, just as ahobby.(我烘焙,只是作为一种爱好。)

29、At first, fishing was just ahobby.(起初,钓鱼只是一种业余爱好。)

30、I only play jazz as ahobby.(我弹奏爵士乐只是一种业余爱好。)