
1、I'm sure he didn't mean anyharm.(我敢肯定他本无恶意。)

2、He may look fierce, but he means noharm.(他可能看上去很凶,但并无恶意。)

3、The accident could have been much worse; luckily noharm was done.(这次事故本来可能糟糕得多;所幸没有造成伤害。)

4、It does noharm to ask.(问一问也无妨。)

5、You wouldn't do noharm.(你不会伤害谁。)

6、Robots cannotharm humans or allow humans to come toharm.(机器人不能伤害人类或允许人类受到伤害。)

7、It wouldn't do you anyharm to smarten yourself up.(你不妨打扮一下。)

8、They might well be prepared to do youharm in order to achieve their purpose.(他们很可能有备而来伤害你,以实现其目标。)

9、Hard work never did anyone anyharm.(努力工作对任何人都绝无害处。)

10、He would never frighten anyone or cause them anyharm.(他永远不会吓唬或伤害任何人。)

11、He would neverharm anyone.(他永远不会伤害任何人。)

12、He may say no, but there's noharm in asking.(他可能拒绝,但问一问也无妨。)

13、The move would cause irreparableharm to the organization.(这一举动将给该组织带来不可补救的损害。)

14、His only thought was to keep the boy fromharm.(他一心想的就是不要让这男孩受到伤害。)

15、The hijackers seemed anxious not toharm anyone.(劫机犯们似乎并不急于伤害任何人。)

16、He accused foreign nations of having a hidden agenda toharm French influence.(他指责一些国家怀有不可告人的目的,企图损害法国的影响力。)

17、I think any sport involvingharm to animals is barbaric and uncivilized.(我认为,任何伤害到动物的体育运动都是野蛮的、不文明的。)

18、There, now, you're all right. Noharm done.(好了,现在你没事了。没出什么事。)

19、He'll do himselfharm.(他会伤害自己的。)

20、Not to worry—noharm done.(别担心,没伤着。)

21、Many animals canharm me, but I do notharm them.(许多动物可能会伤害我,但我不伤害它们。)

22、A word such as "harm" is vague (what about emotionalharm? Is replacing a human employeeharm?), and abstract concepts present coding problems.(像“伤害”这样的词是模糊的——例如,这指的是情感上的伤害吗?那么人类员工被取代会造成伤害吗?——而抽象概念会带来编码的问题。)

23、Pollution canharm marine life.(污染会危及海洋生物。)

24、All dogs are capable of doingharm to human beings.(所有的狗都能对人造成伤害。)

25、The court case will do seriousharm to my business.(这起诉讼案件将严重损害我的生意。)

26、She could not believe that he wished herharm.(她不能相信他希望她受到伤害。)

27、You can do noharm by paying a woman compliments.(对女人讲恭维话不会有什么害处。)

28、Fantasies cannotharm you, no matter how bizarre or far out they are.(无论多么荒诞或怪异的幻想都伤害不到你。)

29、There are laws circumscribing the right of individual citizens to cause bodilyharm to others.(限制公民对他人造成人身伤害的规定是有法可依的。)

30、There is always a lifeguard to ensure that no one comes to anyharm.(任何时候都有一名救生员以确保没有人会受到伤害。)