
1、The extraction nozzle can be placed closely to objects for maximumfume absorption.(提取嘴可尽可能近的置于对象上方为最高油烟吸收。)

2、Displays and guidebooks,fume the party-poopers, have been rewritten to suit ten-year-olds.(展示材料和旅行指南都重信写过以适应十多岁的少年,这惹恼了这些扫兴的人。)

3、It has slashed the cost of toll roads to almost one-tenth of the normal level, attracting yet more people on tofume-choked roads.(它将收费公路的成本削减至正常水平的近十分之一,然而致使更多的人走上烟雾弥漫的道路。)

4、Welding andfume-extracting equipment.(焊接及除烟装置。)

5、Organic solvent vapors can be recovered from an air stream (fume) by adsorption on granular activated carbon.(有机溶剂蒸汽可以从气流(烟雾)通过活性炭进行吸附。)

6、With antistatic treatment: no absorption of dust and oilfume.(经过抗静电处理:不挂尘,不粘油烟。)

7、The properties of cupolafume,fume cleaning standard and cleaning measures was summarized.(对冲天炉的烟气特点、烟气净化标准和净化措施等作了概述。)

8、In addition, the admixture of glue and water content than the size of silicafume concrete strength of the impact is very obvious.(此外,外加剂的掺量和水胶比的大小对硅灰混凝土强度的影响也很明显。)

9、As I said, it's a particularly hazardous substance and is worked with infume hoods.(就像我说过的,这是尤其有害的物质,在通风柜中才能用。)

10、fume aspirator with control pedal to operate at test end.(在实验的最后操作具有控制踏板的烟雾吸气器。)

11、You can gush,fume or whine - anything goes.(你可以滔滔不绝、勃然大怒,或者哀嚎抱怨,怎么样都行。)

12、As I said, it's a particularly hazardous substance, this is worked with infume hoods.(就像我说过的,这是特别有害的物质,在通风柜中才能用。)

13、Develop the system of selective catalytic reductionfume denitrification.(选择性催化还原烟气脱硝系统开发。)

14、Instead they will shout, hit their head on the wall or just silentlyfume.(取而代之的是,他们会大喊大叫,用头撞墙或仅仅是生闷气。)

15、Such prodding can make anyonefume but experts say that ideally you should maintain your cool during the meeting.(这样的无理取闹谁都会被气得七窍生烟,不过专家建议,理想的应对方式是,在会上保持冷静。)

16、The pump exhaust should lead to the open air or afume hood.(抽气泵的排气管应该导向室外空旷处或导向一座通风橱。)

17、It points out the mechanism of silicafume in concrete and essentials of applied technique of silicafume concrete.(指出了硅粉在混凝土中的作用机理以及硅粉混凝土的应用技术要点。)

18、Because the cookingfume gas will affect the retention of health meal.(因为炒菜时积留的油烟气会影响用餐卫生。)

19、The villagers say some of Liukuaizhuang's bare bones factories, where paint is mixed in open drums infume-filled warehouses, have already gone bust.(村民们说,刘快庄一些简陋工厂已经破产,在这些工厂里,油漆混合在露天桶里,仓库里烟雾弥。)

20、Atmospheric pollution in our country belongs to coalfume.(我国大气污染属于煤烟型污染。)

21、The body of a man was found in afume-filled car yesterday.(昨天在一辆烟雾弥漫的汽车中发现了一具男尸。)

22、Also, the characteristic, filtration and vent of weldingfume is described.(并讲述了焊接烟尘的特点、过滤与排出。)

23、Having special additives, this product can rapidly clear the dirt of kitchen,fume machine, tea soak, carpets, shoes and vehicles.(浓缩清洁剂具有特殊的添加剂,能快速清理厨房、油烟机、茶渍、地毯、鞋油渍及车内车外污渍等。)

24、The form of manganese existing in thefume is determined by analysis.(通过分析确定了烟尘中锰的存在形式。)

25、Keep busy and let themfume while you're not around.(保持忙碌,让他们在你不在的时候发泄。)

26、Lie precariously at the edge of the mattress andfume if you must, but lie in the same bed.(躺在床的边沿,摇摇欲坠,如果你一定要的话,可以发火,但要躺在同一张床上。)

27、fume hood should be provided in each regular chemical analysis laboratory.(每个常规化学分析室都要有通风橱。)

28、Labs with the highest levels of service are situated near the top of the building, minimizingfume hood exhaust runs.(具有最高服务水平的实验室靠近建筑的顶部,最大程度地减少通风口的排气。)