
1、I woke upfeeling like shit.(我醒来感觉很不舒服。)

2、She'sfeeling a little homesick.(她感到有些想家了。)

3、He'd beenfeeling blue all week.(他整个星期都郁郁不乐。)

4、I'm glad to hear you'refeeling better.(听说你感觉好些了,我很高兴。)

5、He played the piano with greatfeeling.(他钢琴弹得很有感觉。)

6、I wasfeeling uncomfortably hot.(我觉得酷热难当。)

7、Thomas never lost hisfeeling for Harriet.(托马斯从未失去对哈丽雅特的感情。)

8、Right now I'mfeeling very excited.(此刻我感到非常激动。)

9、I'mfeeling a little tipsy.(我觉得有点微醉了。)

10、She wasfeeling tired and weepy.(她感到累得想哭。)

11、The drug produces afeeling of excitement.(这种药能使人产生兴奋的感觉。)

12、I'm glad (that) you'refeeling better.(你感觉好些了我很高兴。)

13、I've beenfeeling under stress lately.(我最近感到压力很大。)

14、How are youfeeling now?(你现在感觉怎么样?)

15、I wasfeeling chilly.(我感到冷得难受。)

16、He awokefeeling completely refreshed.(他醒来感觉精神完全恢复了。)

17、Are youfeeling all right?(你感觉还好吗?)

18、I am completely energized andfeeling terrific.(我现在充满了活力,感觉棒极了。)

19、I amfeeling very depressed.(我感到很沮丧。)

20、She had wokenfeeling at loose ends.(她醒了,感到闲得无聊。)

21、I'mfeeling a good deal better.(我感觉好多了。)

22、Cathy was reallyfeeling the heat.(凯茜真的感到很热。)

23、I'mfeeling a lot better today.(我今天感觉好多了。)

24、I awokefeeling rested and refreshed.(我睡醒后感觉精力充沛,神清气爽。)

25、She was leftfeeling inept and inadequate.(她被弄得感到笨拙无能。)

26、I'mfeeling a whole lot better.(我觉得好得多了。)

27、She wasfeeling dissatisfied with her lot.(她对自己的命运感到不满。)

28、I'm notfeeling very well.(我感觉身体不太好。)

29、I'mfeeling miles better today, thanks.(多谢,我今天感觉好多了。)

30、He owned to afeeling of guilt.(他承认有歉疚感。)