
1、Currencyexchange rates are always subject to variation.(货币的兑换率始終波动。)

2、He ruled out anyexchange of prisoners with the militants.(他拒绝考虑与好战分子交换囚犯。)

3、The shortage of good stock has kept some investors away from the stockexchange.(优质股票的缺乏使得一些投资者远离股票交易。)

4、The International Stockexchange started life as a London coffee shop.(国际证券交易所起初是伦敦的一家咖啡馆。)

5、Shares soared on the New York stockexchange.(纽约证券交易所股票暴涨。)

6、Trading on the stockexchange may be suspended.(股票交易可能被暂停。)

7、The stockexchange has registered huge losses this week.(本周证券交易遭到重创。)

8、We onlyexchange notes and traveller's cheques.(我们只兑换纸币和旅行支票。)

9、Theexchange of prisoners took place this morning.(今天早上交换了俘虏。)

10、What is needed is a frankexchange of views.(需要的是坦诚地交换意见。)

11、We need to promote an openexchange of ideas and information.(我们需要促进思想和信息的公开交流。)

12、In September 1989 theexchange rate hovered around 140 yen to the dollar.(在1989年9月,汇率一直在140日元比1美元左右徘徊。)

13、The conference is a good place to share information andexchange ideas.(研讨会是互通信息、交流思想的好场所。)

14、Theexchange of prisoners of war was one of the key elements of the UN's peace plan.(交换战俘是联合国和平计划的主要内容之一。)

15、I buy you lunch and you fix my computer. Is that a fairexchange ?(我请你吃午饭,你给我修计算机,这算是公平交易吧?)

16、Trading on the stockexchange was light today.(证券交易今日交易量很少。)

17、Share prices on the Tokyoexchange declined moderately.(东京股票交易所的股票价格稍有下降。)

18、Hungary is to have a fully-fledged Stockexchange from today.(匈牙利从今天起将拥有一个成熟的证券交易所。)

19、The gossip was that he had lost a fortune on the stockexchange.(有小道消息说他在股票交易中赔了一大笔钱。)

20、Our calculations of the cost of our trip were thrown out by changes in theexchange rate.(我们旅行费用的计算因为汇率变动而完全打乱了。)

21、'The market is absolutely dead this morning,' said one foreignexchange trader.(“今天早上市场萧条极了。”一个外汇交易商说道。)

22、An example of her modus operandi was provided during a terseexchange with the defendant.(与被告的简短交流体现了她独特的办事方式。)

23、Several football clubs are now quoted on the Stockexchange.(目前有几家足球俱乐部在股票交易所上市。)

24、What's the rate ofexchange against the dollar?(与美元的兑换率是多少?)

25、The Peso plunged to a new low on the foreignexchange markets yesterday.(昨天,比索在外汇市场上暴跌到了历史新低。)

26、Theexchange rate is in our favour at the moment.(目前汇率对我们有利。)

27、Domestic interest rates are often cited as a major factor affectingexchange rates.(国内利率常常被援引为影响汇率的一个主要因素。)

28、Freeexchange of goods was advantageous to all.(自由商品交易对大家都有利。)

29、During the turmoil in the foreign-exchange markets the guilder remained strong.(在外汇市场的动荡中,荷兰货币体系保持了坚挺。)