1、Quite rightly , theenvironment is of great concern.(当然,环境问题人们极为关注。)
2、Destruction of theenvironment is one of the most serious challenges we face.(环境的破坏是我们所面临的最严峻的挑战之一。)
3、The indiscriminate use of fertilizers is damaging to theenvironment.(化肥的滥用化正在损害环境。)
4、The broadscale cutting down of trees is damaging theenvironment.(对树木的大规模砍伐正在破坏环境。)
5、We need more joined-up thinking in our approach to theenvironment.(在处理环境问题上我们需要更协调的思考。)
6、There is little assessment of the damage to the naturalenvironment.(几乎没有有关自然环境破坏的评估。)
7、Because of the extreme cold, the Antarctic is a uniquely fragileenvironment.(由于极端寒冷,南极州的生态环境尤其脆弱。)
8、He has always been pro theenvironment.(他一向支持环境保护。)
9、It was interesting to be in a differentenvironment.(换一换环境很有趣。)
10、These gases cause untold damage to theenvironment.(这些气体对环境造成难以估计的破坏。)
11、Our ultimate goal must be the preservation of theenvironment.(我们的最终目的必须是环境保护。)
12、An unhappy homeenvironment can affect a child's behaviour.(不幸的家庭环境可能对孩子的行为造成影响。)
13、Students in our schools are taught in a safe, secureenvironment.(我校学生在安全无忧的环境中接受教育。)
14、You need to understand how office politics influence the workingenvironment.(你需要明白办公室权术怎样影响工作环境。)
15、The moral characters of men are formed not by heredity but byenvironment.(人的品德不是由遗传而是由环境形成的。)
16、The oil spill has caused incalculable damage to theenvironment.(这次石油泄漏对环境造成了难以估计的损害。)
17、Outside the protectedenvironment of institutional care he could not survive.(离开福利机构照顾下的这个受保护的环境,他无法生存。)
18、She works in a predominantly maleenvironment.(她在一个男性居多的环境里工作。)
19、Children need a caringenvironment.(儿童需要一个充满关怀的环境。)
20、Building a dam here could have unforeseeable consequences for theenvironment.(在这里修建水坝可能会对环境造成无法预料的后果。)
21、Modern farming methods can have an adverse effect on theenvironment.(现代农业耕作方法可能对环境造成负面影响。)
22、We need to establish a legal framework for the protection of theenvironment.(我们需要建立一个法律体制来保护环境。)
23、The care of theenvironment is of prime importance.(保护环境是最重要的。)
24、Theenvironment has become a very hot issue.(环境已成为很热门的话题。)
25、They seem to want to fossilize theenvironment in which people live and work.(他们看样子想把人们工作和生活环境陈腐化。)
26、They have created anenvironment in which productivity should flourish.(他们创造了一种可以大大提高生产力的环境。)
27、The campaign is intended to educate the public to respect theenvironment.(这一运动旨在教育公众爱护环境。)
28、We have a moral obligation to protect theenvironment.(我们有道义责任保护环境。)