
1、We need to try and narrow the healthdivide between rich and poor.(我们需要设法缩小穷人和富人之间的健康差距。)

2、You candivide this between you.(这个你们可以两人平分。)

3、Do youdivide your hair at the side or in the middle?(你的头发是偏分还是中间分?)

4、It is not an idea around which the community can unite. On the contrary, I see it as one that willdivide us.(这不是一个可以让我们的组织团结起来的主意。恰恰相反,我看它会分裂我们。)

5、The concrete wall that used todivide this city has now all but gone.(这堵曾经被用来分隔这座城市的水泥墙现在差不多不存在了。)

6、The pupil could add and subtract but hadn't learned todivide.(这名小学生能做加法和减法,但还没学会做除法。)

7、How should wedivide the shares?(我们该如何划分股份?)

8、Those cellsdivide and give many other different types of cells.(那些细胞分裂后形成许多其他不同类型的细胞。)

9、The children are already learning to multiply anddivide.(孩子们已经开始学习乘法和除法了。)

10、Look at this rough drawing of one of them, one Chromosome about todivide into two.(看一下其中一条的草图,一条将要分裂成两条的染色体。)

11、Well, how do youdivide up your schedule?(那么,你们是怎么分配你们的工作安排呢?)

12、divide 2 into 7, and the answer is 3, remainder 1.(7除以2,商3余1。)

13、What happened is that the majordivide in opera that endures today took place.(发生的事情是,歌剧中的主要分歧产生了,这个分歧持续到今天。)

14、Some cells, like nerve cells, onlydivide seven to nine times in their total life.(有些细胞在它们的一生中只分裂7到9次,例如神经细胞。)

15、If this can be done, then thedivide-and-conquer algorithm is a good choice.(如果可以这么做,那么分治算法是个好的选择。)

16、Can it ever be right todivide a mother from her child?(让母子分离难道还有对的时候?)

17、After days, many of the cells had died, but a few continued to grow anddivide.(几天后,许多细胞已经死亡,但少数细胞继续生长和分裂。)

18、This gap is part of a deepeningdivide between the well-educated well-off and the unskilled poor.(这种差距是受过良好教育的富人和没有技术的穷人之间日益加深的鸿沟的一部分。)

19、For the sake of simplicity , let'sdivide the discussion into two parts.(为了方便起见,我们把讨论分成两部分。)

20、According to recent studies, digitaldivide has been caused by three major elements: class, sex, and generation.(根据最近的研究,数字鸿沟是由阶级、性别和代际这三个主要因素造成的。)

21、The idea is todivide up the country into four sectors.(该观点是将国家一分为四。)

22、It is now clear that this was a ruse todivide them.(现在清楚了,这是分裂他们的诡计。)

23、You will give more consideration of how youdivide your time and effort throughout the day.(你将会更在意在你的每一天里,你是怎样划分你的时间和精力。)

24、The cells began todivide rapidly.(细胞迅速分裂。)

25、How shall wedivide up the work?(我们怎么分工呢?)

26、We can achieve a lot when we learn to let out differences unite, rather thandivide us.(当我们学会让分歧团结起来,而不是分裂我们时,我们可以取得很多成就。)

27、With regard to sex, digitaldivide exists between men and women.(至于性别,数字鸿沟同样存在于男性和女性之间。)