
1、The facts areclearly stated in the report.(报道对事实真相作了清楚的说明。)

2、They haveclearly embraced Western consumerism.(很明显他们已经接受了西方的消费主义观念。)

3、His remarks wereclearly not displeasing to her.(他的话显然并没使她不快。)

4、clearly this is a potentially dangerous situation.(显然这是一种具有潜在危险的局势。)

5、It wasclearly an elaborately planned operation.(这显然是一次经过周密策划的行动。)

6、Her speech was slurred—she wasclearly drunk.(她说话含混不清—她显然是喝醉了。)

7、The damage isclearly the work of vandals.(这毁损显然是些恣意破坏公物的人所为。)

8、His sharp retortclearly made an impact.(他的尖锐反驳显然起了作用。)

9、That wasclearly a deep mystical experience.(那显然是一次刻骨铭心的神秘经历。)

10、My remarksclearly nettled her.(我的话显然惹恼了她。)

11、The medicine hasclearly done its stuff.(这药显然起作用了。)

12、She wasclearly in a lot of pain.(她显然疼痛万分。)

13、Katy could thinkclearly when not under stress.(凯泰在没有精神压力时能够清晰地思考。)

14、His remarks wereclearly beyond the pale.(他的话显然过分了。)

15、Reforms areclearly in order.(改革显然是顺理成章的。)

16、The questionclearly angered him.(这个问题显然激怒了他。)

17、The motorcyclist wasclearly in the wrong.(骑摩托车的人显然对事故负有责任。)

18、She wasclearly impatient to leave.(她显然是迫不及待地想离开。)

19、The warning lights wereclearly visible.(警示灯清晰可见。)

20、The company wasclearly at a crossroads.(这个公司显然正处于紧要关头。)

21、Stateclearly how many tickets you require.(说清楚你需要多少张票。)

22、Further investigation isclearly warranted.(进一步调查显然是必要的。)

23、clearly there is a problem here.(显然这里有问题。)

24、Danteclearly condemns illicit love.(但丁明确地谴责不正当的恋情。)

25、Liverpool wereclearly the superior team.(利物浦队明显更胜一筹。)

26、Her popularityclearly shows no sign of waning.(她的受欢迎程度显然没有显示出下降的迹象。)

27、He wasclearly rattled by the question.(这个问题显然令他感到紧张。)

28、The campaign isclearly targeted at the young.(这个宣传计划显然是针对青年人的。)

29、She wasclearly speaking the truth.(她讲的显然是实情。)

30、The security services wereclearly caught napping.(安全服务人员显然被弄得措手不及。)