
1、Her careful make-up hid the signs of agebeneath.(她细腻的化妆掩盖了妆容下年龄的痕迹。)

2、The boat bucked and heavedbeneath them.(小船在他们脚下猛烈颠簸着。)

3、The water churnedbeneath the huge ship.(水在巨轮下面剧烈翻滚。)

4、The boat heavedbeneath them.(小船在他们脚下颠簸着。)

5、We shoved a copy of the newsletterbeneath their door.(我们在他们的门下塞了一份时事通讯。)

6、Four levels of parkingbeneath the theatre was not enough.(剧院底下的四层停车库还不够。)

7、Stowage is provided in lined lockersbeneath the berths.(铺位下方有带内衬的储物柜可以存放东西。)

8、beneath his gruff exterior, he's really very kind-hearted.(他外表冷漠,心地却十分善良。)

9、The boat sankbeneath the waves.(小船被大浪吞没了。)

10、The body was hiddenbeneath a thin layer of soil.(尸体被埋藏在薄薄的一层土下面。)

11、beneath his confident exterior, he was desperately nervous.(他表面上自信,内心极度紧张。)

12、They found the body buriedbeneath a pile of leaves.(他们发现尸体被埋在一堆树叶下面。)

13、The valley spread outbeneath us.(山谷在我们下方延伸。)

14、Her numb leg gave waybeneath her and she stumbled clumsily.(她那麻木了的腿一软,她便重重地摔了一跤。)

15、He considers such jobsbeneath him.(他觉得这种工作有失他的身份。)

16、He noticed some slight puffinessbeneath her eyes.(他注意到,她眼睛下方有一些轻微的眼袋。)

17、The grey ocean seethedbeneath them.(灰蒙蒙的大海在他们下面翻滚。)

18、The trees formed such a dense canopy that allbeneath was a deep carpet of pine needles.(这些树形成了浓密的冠盖,下面是一层厚厚的松针。)

19、The city was spread outbeneath us in all its glory.(这座城市绚丽多彩地展现在我们下方。)

20、beneath his bluff exterior he was a sensitive man.(他外表大大咧咧,但其实是个敏感的人。)

21、A brief, handwritten postscript laybeneath his signature.(一段简短的手写体附言位于他的签名下方。)

22、The mountain tops were hiddenbeneath a veil of mist.(山顶笼罩在薄雾中。)

23、They decided she was marryingbeneath her.(他们认定她嫁的是一个配不上她的人。)

24、His tendons stood out like ropebeneath his skin.(他的筋像绳子般在皮肤下突出来。)

25、The paintings were concealedbeneath a thick layer of plaster.(那些画被隐藏在厚厚的灰泥层下面。)

26、beneath his brash exterior, he's still a little boy inside.(他外表盛气凌人,内心里还是个孩子。)

27、He burrowed downbeneath the blankets.(他钻到毯子下面。)

28、beneath the gloss of success was a tragic private life.(在成功的外表下面却隐藏着悲惨的私人生活。)

29、There is a handy storage compartmentbeneath the oven.(在烤箱的下面有一个便利的橱柜。)

30、On a shelfbeneath he spotted a photo album.(在下方的书架上他发现了一本相册。)