
1、Deathwatchbeetle bore in dead wood.(蛀虫会钻进枯木。)

2、When genetic characterization of the contents ofbeetle guts gave some unexpected results, the researchers decided to take a closer look at earthworm DNA.(当甲虫内脏内容物的遗传特性显示出一些意想不到的结果时,研究人员决定进一步研究蚯蚓的DNA。)

3、He spied thebeetle; the drooping tail lifted and wagged.(他发现了甲虫;下垂的尾巴翘了起来,摇摆着。)

4、With half an inch of rain per year, thebeetle can only survive by consuming the dew it collects on the hydrophilic skin of its back in the early mornings.(在每年只有半英尺降雨量的环境下,这种甲虫只能通过它背部亲水性皮肤在早晨收集的水露存活下来。)

5、And captured abeetle the size of a Chihuahua9.(便捕获了一只有奇瓦瓦小狗那么大的甲虫!)

6、There is a record of abeetle larva living in dead wood for over 40 years before becoming an adult.(有记录显示,一只甲虫幼虫成年前在枯木中生活了40多年。)

7、How a Tinybeetle Could Decimate Yellowstone?(小甲虫如何毁了黄石公园?)

8、The first thing thebeetle did was to take him by the finger.(甲虫做的第一件事就是咬住他的手指。)

9、Females plant a single egg in a dung ball where it matures from larva to fully formedbeetle, feeding off the waste.(雌性蜣螂会在每个粪球中种下一个虫卵,虫卵以粪便为食,直到幼虫完全发育成成虫。)


11、It suggested that all living things were related, from thebeetle to the lotus, and that everything descended ultimately from a single common ancestor.(它表明所有的生物都是相关的,从甲虫到莲花,所有的生物都是由一个共同的祖先进化而来。)

12、He studied the Namibbeetle, an ingenious species that lives in one of the driest places on earth.(他研究了纳米布甲虫,这是一种灵巧的物种,生活在世界上最干燥的地方之一。)

13、He is abeetle-browed old man.(他是一个有着浓眉的老人。)

14、Across vast areas of western North America, increasingly mild winters are causing massive outbreaks of barkbeetle.(在北美西部的广大地区,日益温暖的冬季正导致树皮甲虫的大规模爆发。)

15、The birds are masters at using sticks to find their food, in particularbeetle larvae from the trees.(这些鸟擅长用树枝寻找食物,尤其是树上的甲虫幼虫。)

16、Even so... a dungbeetle cake?(一个蜣螂蛋糕?)

17、Thebeetle larvae have a distinct chemical make-up, which can be traced through the feathers and blood of birds that eat them.(甲虫幼虫含有独特的化学成分,从猎食它们的鸟类的羽毛和血液中可以找到这种成分的痕迹。)

18、The head is often concealed by the pronotum when thebeetle is viewed from above.(从上方观察甲虫时,头部通常被前胸膜所掩盖。)

19、The hard shell on abeetle is an outside protection, as is the "skin", called cuticle, of an earthworm.(甲壳虫身上的硬壳是外表保护层,就像蚯蚓的“皮肤”,它叫角质层。)

20、And, of course, there is thebeetle race!(当然,这是甲克虫赛跑!)

21、Thebeetle lay there working its helpless legs, unable to turn over.(那只甲虫躺在那里,用它的腿无奈地挣扎着,翻不了身。)

22、Right after I turned 21 and was allowed a car on campus, I paid $600 for a black 1961beetle.(在我刚满21岁,被允许在学校里拥有车时,我就立刻花600美元买了一辆1961年版的黑色甲壳虫。)

23、Maybe by copying abeetle.(或许可以模仿甲虫。)

24、Frass of long-hornedbeetle larvae plays an important role in natural enemies searching for their cerambycid hosts.(长角甲虫幼虫的部分在寻找天敌的天敌中起着重要的作用。)

25、The curculiobeetle eats the edges of leaves.(象鼻虫吃掉了叶子的边缘。)

26、In his world, science can explain thebeetle, the lotus leaf and the spider's web, but not why they appear beautiful to people.(在他的世界里,科学可以解释甲虫,荷叶以及蜘蛛网,但却无法解释为什么人们会觉得这些如此美丽。)

27、Other people uninterested in the sermon found relief in thebeetle, and they eyed it too.(其他对布道不感兴趣的人也在甲虫身上找到了解脱,他们也盯着它看。)

28、Is it more expensive than a CompactFlashbeetle of similar capacity?(它比具有类似容量的闪存卡甲虫贵吗?)

29、Healthy trees are also better able to fend off barkbeetle.(健康的树木也能更好地抵御树皮甲虫。)

30、Thisbeetle eats mainly the germ of the grain.(这种甲虫要吃谷物的胚芽。)