
1、The troops prepared themselves to go intobattle.(部队准备开赴战场。)

2、A plaque commemorates thebattle.(有一块饰板用来纪念那次战役。)

3、Thebattle had reached a crucial juncture.(战斗已到了关键时刻。)

4、Thebattle of the sexes also took a new twist.(性别之战也有了意想不到的新进展。)

5、They fought a longbattle against prejudice and ignorance.(他们同偏见与无知进行了长期的斗争。)

6、I had tobattle hard just to stay afloat.(我得用力挣扎才能勉强浮住。)

7、The game was a longbattle of wits.(这场游戏是长时间的斗智。)

8、The procession included a tableau of thebattle of Hastings.(游行队伍中包括黑斯廷斯战役的人物造型。)

9、He walks with a stick but still leads his soldiers intobattle.(尽管他拄着拐杖,但他仍带领士兵上战场。)

10、They are bracing themselves for a long legalbattle.(他们在为漫长的法律诉讼作准备。)

11、After losing this decisivebattle, the general was forced to concede.(输掉了这场决定性的战役后,那位将军不得不承认失败。)

12、The two sides willbattle it out in the final next week.(双方将于下周决赛中决一胜负。)

13、Those involved are steeling themselves for the comingbattle.(那些参与者正准备应对即将到来的战斗。)

14、Messengers brought news that thebattle had been lost.(通信员送来消息说这场战斗失败了。)

15、The sides mustbattle again for a quarter-final place on December 16.(两队必须于12月16日再战一次,来争夺1/4决赛的位置。)

16、She has fought a constantbattle with her weight.(她一直在和自己的体重作斗争。)

17、The outcome of thebattle was indecisive.(此役的结局是胜负不明的。)

18、A much biggerbattle is ahead for the president.(总统还将面临一场更大的战斗。)

19、He stared into the dark void where thebattle had been fought.(他凝望着那一大片黑洞洞的空地,那里曾是战斗的地方。)

20、She finally won the legalbattle for compensation.(她终于赢得了这场要求赔偿的法律斗争。)

21、The heroic leader charged intobattle, ready to smite the enemy.(英勇的军官冲上战场,准备重击敌人。)

22、"It's been abattle from day one," Burrell said.(伯勒尔说:“从第一天起就是一场战斗。”)

23、Thebattle for third place was intense.(竞争第3名的较量很紧张。)

24、The town was captured after a fiercebattle with rebels.(与叛军的一场激战后,这个城市被占领了。)

25、Each stage of thebattle was carried off flawlessly.(战斗的每个阶段都都进行得很完美。)

26、There are also indications that a major tankbattle may be shaping up for tonight.(也有迹象表明今晚很可能有一场坦克大战。)

27、The parents were locked in a bitterbattle for custody.(双亲陷入了一场对孩子监护权的激烈争夺之中。)