
1、I have toaccustom myself to the cold weather.(我得适应这种寒冷的天气。)

2、You'll have toaccustom yourself to the new conditions.(你得使自己习惯于新的情况。)

3、I cannotaccustom myself to cold weather.(我无法使自己习于寒冷的天气。)

4、She could notaccustom herself to a hot climate.(她不能使自己习惯于炎热的气候。)

5、He had toaccustom himself to the cold weather of his new country.(他必须适应新到国家的寒冷天气。)

6、You'll soonaccustom yourself to the climate here.(对这里的气候你不久就会习惯的。)

7、He soon getsaccustom to dormitory life and make two or three friend.(他不久就逐渐习惯了宿舍的生活并交了两三个朋友。)

8、First we had toaccustom ourselves to the long marches.(首先我们得使自己习惯于这种长途行军。)

9、A good traveler canaccustom himself to almost any kind of food.(一个善于旅行的人几乎能使自己习惯于任何一种食物。)

10、They had toaccustom themselves to the hot weather.(他们不得不使自己习惯于炎热的天气。)

11、You mustaccustom yourself to getting up early.(你必须使自己习惯于早起。)

12、I have toaccustom myself to the busy life.(我不得不使自己习惯这忙碌的生活。)

13、I canaccustom myself to cold weather.(我能习惯于冷天气。)

14、The hunter is trying toaccustom his hunting dog to the noise of a gun.(猎人正设法使他的猎犬适应他的枪发出的噪音。)

15、We had toaccustom ourselves to cold weather.(我们必须使自己适应寒冷天气。)

16、Chefs mustaccustom themselves to working at a fast pace.(厨师必须养成快步调地工作。)

17、She tried toaccustom herself to the tight bandages.(她尝试着使自己习惯那些紧绷的绷带。)

18、Japanese are notaccustom to "presentation-as-discussion" style.(日本人不习惯“像讨论一样地讲演”这种风格。)

19、When one has been in a family circle one cannotaccustom oneself to this life!(当一个人已经在家庭圈子里,他无法习惯于这种生活!)

20、You mustaccustom yourself to the new environment.(你必须使自己适应新环境。)

21、He had toaccustom himself to the cold weather.(他不得不使自己习惯于寒冷的天气。)

22、It took him a while toaccustom himself to the idea.(他过了一段时间才习惯这个想法。)

23、She found it necessary toaccustom her child to getting up early.(她觉得必须让孩子养成早起的习惯。)

24、My dear Sir, neveraccustom your mind to mingle virtue and vice.(我亲爱的先生,千万别让你的心智习惯于混淆美德与邪恶。)

25、Bring them up to work and strive, andaccustom them to hardship.(培养他们勤于劳动,奋发向上,让他们习惯艰苦的条件。)