
英 [tæn] 美 [tæn]
  • n. (日晒后皮肤的)黝黑色;棕褐色;鞣料;马戏团
  • vt. 鞣(革);晒成褐色
  • vi. 晒成棕褐色
  • adj. 黄褐色的;鞣皮的
  • n. (Tan)人名;(俄、土、土库、吉尔)塔恩;(英)坦;(柬、老)丹


tan ---- 碳(拼音):像碳一样的[黑] ---- 想一想黑炭头包青天。


tan 制革,鞣革,褐色的

来自法语 tan,橡树树皮,来自拉丁语 tannum,橡树树皮,来自 PIE*dhonu,橡树,杉木。因过 去用橡树树皮制革而得名,后引申形容词词义褐色的。


tan: [OE] Tan was borrowed into late Old English from the medieval Latin verb tannāre. This was derived from tannum ‘oak bark’ (oak bark is used in tanning leather), which itself was probably a loan-word from Gaulish tanno- ‘oak’. The French noun tan ‘tan’ came ultimately from the same Latin source. From it was derived tanin, acquired by English as tannin [19]; and its immediate Old French predecessor formed the basis of an adjective tané ‘tancoloured, dark’, whose Anglo-Norman version tauné gave English tawny [14].
=> tannin, tawny
tan (v.)
late Old English tannian "to convert hide into leather" (by steeping it in tannin), from Medieval Latin tannare "tan, dye a tawny color" (c.900), from tannum "crushed oak bark," used in tanning leather, probably from a Celtic source (such as Breton tann "oak tree"). The meaning "make brown by exposure to the sun" (as tanning does to hides) first recorded 1520s; intransitive sense also from 1520s. Of persons, not considered an attractive feature until 20c.; in Shakespeare, "to deprive of the freshness and beauty of youth" (Sonnet CXV). As an adjective from 1620s. To tan (someone's) hide in the figurative sense is from 1660s. Related: Tanned; tanning. German Tanne "fir tree" (as in Tannenbaum) might be a transferred meaning from the same Celtic source.
tan (n.)
"bronze color imparted to skin by exposure to sun," 1749, see tan (v.). Earlier as "substance made of crushed bark used in making leather" (c. 1600). As a simple name for a brownish color, in any context, it is recorded from 1888. The adjective meaning "of the color of tanned leather" is recorded from 1660s. Tan-line attested from 1979.


1. With almost evangelical fervour, Marks warns against deliberately seeking a tan.


2. Leigh rolled over on her stomach to tan her back.


3. She is tall and blonde, with a permanent tan.


4. The tan-coloured dog looks suspiciously like an American pit bull terrier.


5. Build up your tan slowly and don't allow your skin to burn.

