英 [skælp]美 [skælp]
- n. 头皮;战利品
- vt. 剥头皮
- vi. 剥头皮
1. scale, shell, skull => scalp.
2. 黄牛党就相当于在别人身上割一层皮。
3. 谐音“死割皮、死开皮”---印第安人和高山族人死爱割敌人的皮。
4. Latin scalpere "to cut, carve" => scalp.
scalp 头顶,头皮,剥下头皮,倒票门票可能来自古诺斯语 skalli,秃头,来自 PIE*skel,砍,切,词源同 scale,shell.引申词义头顶,头 皮,古代战争中剥下敌人头皮作为战利品,并引申俚语词义倒卖门票,黄牛。
- scalp
- scalp: [13] Scalp originally meant ‘top of the head, cranium’; it was not used for the ‘skin on top of the head’ until the 17th century. It is not altogether clear where the word came from, but its resemblance to Old Norse skálpr ‘sheath, shell’ and the fact that it first appeared in Scotland and the north of England suggest that it was borrowed from a Scandinavian language. Its ultimate ancestor was no doubt the Germanic base *skal-, *skel-, *skul-, source also of English shell and probably skull.
=> scale, shell, skull - scalp (n.)
- mid-14c., "top of the head (including hair)," presumably from a Scandinavian source (though exact cognates are wanting) related to Old Norse skalli "a bald head," skalpr "sheath, scabbard,"from the source of scale (n.1). French scalpe, German, Danish, Swedish skalp are from English. Meaning "head skin and hair as proof of death or a victory trophy" is from c. 1600.
- scalp (v.)
- "to cut off (someone's) scalp," 1670s, from scalp (n.), originally in reference to North American Indians. For ticket re-selling sense, see scalper. Related: Scalped; scalping. Compare German skalpern, Danish skalpere, Swedish skalpera. French scalper is from Germanic. Similarity to Latin scalpere "to cut, carve" is accidental.
- 1. His hair was plastered down to his scalp by the rain.
- 他的头发淋雨后紧贴在头皮上。
- 2. A lot of body heat is lost through the scalp.
- 大量体热通过头皮散失。
- 3. He told friends I was after his scalp.
- 他告诉朋友们我想打败他。
- 4. Stock speculators wanted his scalp.
- 股票投机商想整他一顿。
- 5. He pretended to scalp me with his sword.
- 他假装要用剑剥下我的头皮。