英 [rezə'rekʃ(ə)n]美 [,rɛzə'rɛkʃən]
resurrection 复苏,复兴来自拉丁语 resurgere,再升起,再举起,词源同 resurgent.-ct,过去分词格,-ion,名词后缀。引 申词义复兴,复活。
- resurrection
- resurrection: see surge
- resurrection (n.)
- c. 1300, originally the name of a Church festival commemorating Christ's rising from death, from Anglo-French resurrectiun, Old French resurrection "the Resurrection of Christ" (12c.) and directly from Church Latin resurrectionem (nominative resurrectio) "a rising again from the dead," noun of action from past participle stem of Latin resurgere "rise again, appear again" (see resurgent). Replaced Old English æriste.
Generalized sense of "revival" is from 1640s. Also used in Middle English of the rising again of the dead on the Last Day (c. 1300). Resurrectionist, euphemism for "grave-robber" is attested from 1776. Resurrection pie was mid-19c. English schoolboy slang for a pie made from leftovers of previous meals; first attested 1831 as a Sheffield dialect term.
There was a dreadful pie for dinner every Monday; a meat-pie with a stony crust that did not break; but split into scaly layers, with horrible lumps of gristle inside, and such strings of sinew (alternated by lumps of flabby fat) as a ghoule might use as a rosary. We called it kitten pie--resurrection pie--rag pie--dead man's pie. We cursed it by night we cursed it by day; we wouldn't stand it, we said; we would write to our friends; we would go to sea. ["How I Went to Sea," "Harper's Magazine," December 1852]
- 1. This is a resurrection of an old story from the mid-70s.
- 这是70年代中期的一个老故事的再现。
- 2. Christians celebrate the resurrection of Christ from the death.
- 基督教徒们庆祝耶稣基督的复活.
- 3. A typical scenario is to use ReRegisterForFinalize with Resurrection.
- ReRegisterForFinalize比较典型的是配合重生(Resurrection)的场合来用.
- 4. Some resurrection of domestic price pressure was apparent in the early part of the year.
- 年初,一些源自本地的价格压力明显重现.
- 5. I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live.
- 我就是复活与生命, 谁相信我, 虽死犹生.