英 [riː'saɪz]美 [,ri'saɪz]
resize 重新改变大小re-,再,重新,size,确定尺寸,大小。
- 1. Resize video output, change bit rate, frame rate, color depth and TV format standard . 6.
- resize视频输出, 改变比特率, 帧速率, 色彩深度和电视格式标准.
- 2. There is a very powerful and useful variant of the resize handle: a vertex handle.
- 其实,还有一种功能强大的调整大小操作点变体,即顶点控制柄.
来自About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 3. As with dragging, a meta - key is often used to constrain the direction of a resize interaction.
- 和拖动一样, 元键在这里也可以用来约束调整尺寸操作的方向.
来自About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 4. These little black squares, shown in Figure 19 - 11, are called resize handles ( or, simply, handles ).
- 这些小块如图19-13所示, 称为“调整大小的控制柄” ( 或简称为“控制柄” ).
来自About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 5. Drag onto the page. Drag the yellow diamond to resize keyway.
- 拖到绘图页上. 拖动黄色菱形可调整键沟的大小.