英 ['kwɪb(ə)l]美 ['kwɪbl]
- n. 谬论;双关语;遁辞
- vi. 诡辩;挑剔;说模棱两可的话
- vt. 对…诡辩
1. 谐音“诡辩(单词首字母q与字母g形近,因此将其当作字母g来发音,因此得到此谐音)、诡吧、诡驳”。
2. qui, quae, quo <====> quibble <=====> quiz.
quibble 斤斤计较,吹毛求疵,模棱两可来自quib,逃避问题实质。-le,表反复。
- quibble
- quibble: [17] Quibble probably originated as a rather ponderous learned joke-word. It is derived from an earlier and now obsolete quib ‘pun’, which appears to have been based on quibus, the dative and ablative plural of Latin quī ‘who, what’. The notion is that since quibus made frequent appearances in legal documents written in Latin, it became associated with pettifogging points of law.
- quibble (n.)
- 1610s, "a pun, a play on words," probably a diminutive of obsolete quib "evasion of point at issue," based on an overuse of Latin quibus? in legal jargon, which supposedly gave it the association with trivial argument. Meaning "equivocation, evasion of the point" is attested from 1660s.
- quibble (v.)
- "equivocate, evade the point, turn from the point in question or the plain truth," 1650s, from quibble (n.). Earlier "to pun" (1620s). Related: Quibbled; quibbling.
- 1. Let's not quibble.
- 我们别斤斤计较了。
- 2. Why quibble ? It just amounted to pulling an inconsiderate monkey.
- 算了吧,直当是拉着个不通人情的猴子吧.
来自汉英文学 - 骆驼祥子
- 3. Such a quibble did not trouble Livingston and his friends.
- 这种诡辩并没有把利文斯顿和他的朋友难倒.
- 4. She's only introducing this as a quibble.
- 她提出此点,纯属遁词.
- 5. " Why quibble about the Yankees earning an honest penny selling out the Union?
- " 北方佬出卖联邦赚几个老实钱,这有什么不好 啊 ?