英 [,pəʊlɪəʊmaɪə'laɪtɪs; ,pɒlɪəʊ-]美 [,polɪo,maɪə'laɪtɪs]
poliomyelitis 脊髓灰质炎,小儿麻痹症来自希腊语pilios,灰白的,词源同pale,pallor.myelitis,脊髓炎。俗称小儿麻痹症。
- poliomyelitis (n.)
- 1874, also polio-myelitis, coined by German physician Adolph Kussmaul (1822-1902) from Greek polios "grey" (see fallow (adj.)) + myelos "marrow" + -itis "inflammation." So called because the gray matter in the spinal cord is inflamed, which causes paralysis. The earlier name was infantile paralysis (1843).
In many respects, also, this affection resembles the acute spinal paralysis of infancy, which, from the researches of Charcot, Joffroy, and others, have been shown pathologically to be an acute myelitis of the anterior cornua. Hence, for these forms of paralysis, Professor Kussmaul suggests the name of 'poliomyelitis anterior.' ["London Medical Record," Dec. 9, 1874]
- 1. By 1995 poliomyelitis had been totally eliminated.
- 1995年,已消灭脊髓灰质炎.
- 2. He had poliomyelitis at two and a half.
- 他在两岁半的时候患了小儿麻痹症.
- 3. After the 1960 s, China began to inoculate BCG, pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus, measles and poliomyelitis vaccines.
- 六十年代后, 中国开始在大、中城市接种卡介苗 、 百日咳 、 白喉 、 破伤风 、 麻疹、脊髓灰质炎的疫苗的工作.
来自汉英非文学 - 白皮书
- 4. Aim : To study the clinical manifestations of post - poliomyelitis syndrome ( PPS ).
- 目的: 研究脊髓灰质炎后综合征 ( PPS ) 的临床表现.
- 5. The product is also used for hepatopathy anaemia, poisoning, sweeny, poliomyelitis, and psychopathy.
- 伴有胆汁分泌减少的肝病、贫血 、 中毒 、 肌萎缩症 、 脊髓灰质炎后遗症 、 神经及精神病.