英 ['pedɪgriː]美 ['pɛdɪɡri]
1、pedi- "foot" + gruem (nominative grus) "crane", cognate with Greek geranos, Old English cran, see crane. => pedigree.
2、字面含义为:foot of a crane. => genealogical table or chart.
4、Form influenced in Middle English by association with degree. => 词尾双e的风格来源。
pedigree 家谱,门第,世系来自古法语pied de gru,天鹅的脚爪,来自pied,脚,词源同foot,de,的,gru,天鹅,词源同crane.后拼写通俗化,用于指家谱,因家谱图如同天鹅的脚爪而得名,引申词义门第,世系等。
- pedigree
- pedigree: [15] Etymologically, pedigree means ‘crane’s-foot’. It comes from Anglo-Norman *pe de gru, pe meaning ‘foot’ (from Latin pēs) and gru ‘crane’ (from Latin grūs). The notion behind the metaphor is that a bird’s foot, with its three splayed-out toes, resembles the branching lines drawn to illustrate a family tree.
=> crane, geranium - pedigree (n.)
- early 15c., "genealogical table or chart," from Anglo-French pe de gru, a variant of Old French pied de gru "foot of a crane," from Latin pedem accusative of pes "foot," from PIE root *ped- (1) "a foot" (see foot (n.)) + gruem (nominative grus) "crane," cognate with Greek geranos, Old English cran; see crane (n.)).
On old manuscripts, "descent" was indicated by a forked sign resembling the branching lines of a genealogical chart; the sign also happened to look like a bird's footprint. Form influenced in Middle English by association with degree. Meaning "ancestral line" is mid-15c.; of animals, c. 1600. Related: Pedigreed.
- 1. Hammer's business pedigree almost gua-ranteed him the acquaintance of U.S. presidents.
- 哈默的商业背景几乎保证了他能够结识美国总统。
- 2. She had an impeccable aristocratic pedigree.
- 她有纯正的贵族血统。
- 3. The champions really showed their pedigree today.
- 今天的冠军确实展现了其纯种系谱.
- 4. Like any other commodity, pedigree dogs are covered by the Sale of Goods Act.
- 像其他商品一样,纯种狗的买卖同样受《货物买卖法》的约束。
- 5. A pedigree pup should have been inoculated against serious diseases before it's sold.
- 纯种狗应该在出售前注射预防严重疾病的针.