英 ['nɒmɪneɪt]美 ['nɑmɪnet]
nominate 提名来自拉丁语nomen,名字,词源同name.引申词义提名。
- nominate
- nominate: [16] Nominate is one of a small band of English words descended from nōmen, the Latin representative of the Indo-European ‘name’ word family that also includes English name. It was based on the derived verb nōmināre ‘name’, which has also given English, via French, nominee [17]. Other English words from the same source include nominal [15], nomenclature [17] (from Latin nōmenclātūra, whose second element was based on the verb calāre ‘call’), noun, and renown.
=> name, noun, renown - nominate (v.)
- 1540s, "to call by name," back-formation from nomination or else from Latin nominatus, past participle of nominare "to name, call by name, give a name to," also "name for office,"" from nomen "name" (see name (n.)). Later "to appoint to some office or duty" (1560s); "to formally enter (someone) as a candidate for election" (c. 1600). It also occasionally was used from c. 1600 with a sense "give a name to." Related: Nominated; nominating.
- 1. I nominate Tom to make the tea.
- 我指派汤姆去沏茶.
- 2. The public will be able to nominate candidates for awards such as the MBE.
- 公众将可以推荐诸如英帝国勋章之类的奖项的候选人。
- 3. Voters will choose fifty of the seventy five deputies. The Emir will nominate the rest.
- 选民将选出75名代表中的50名,其余代表由埃米尔任命。
- 4. He went off in a huff just because we failed to nominate him as club president.
- 就因为我们没提名他当俱乐部主席,他竟气冲冲地走了.
- 5. It is legally possible for an elderly person to nominate someone to act for them, should they become incapable of looking after themselves.
- 从法律上来说,如果老人生活不能自理,他可以指定某人为其代理事务。