mutate: [19] Semantically, mutate is probably the most direct English descendant of the Indo- European base *moi-, *mei- ‘change, exchange’, which has also given English mad, mean ‘unworthy, ignoble’, municipal, mutual [15] (from Latin mūtuus ‘exchanged, reciprocal’), the final syllable of common, and probably migrate [17]. Mutate itself comes from Latin mūtāre ‘change’ (source also of English mews and moult), and was preceded into English by some centuries by the derivatives mutable [14] and mutation [14]. => mews, moult, mutual
mutate (v.)
"to change state or condition," 1818, back-formation from mutation. In genetic sense, 1913, from Latin mutatus, past participle of mutare "to change" (see mutable). Related: Mutated; mutating.
1. The technique has been to mutate the genes by irradiation or chemicals.
2. Overnight, the gossip begins to mutate into headlines.
3. the ability of the virus to mutate into new forms
4. Then we use free function mutate ( mutant ) to get the view.
然后我们用普通函数mutate ( mutant ) 来获得视图.
5. A newer anti-HIV drug called pyridinone caused HIV to mutate into a form which could not reproduce or infect new cells.