
英 ['ɪʃuː; 'ɪsjuː]美 ['ɪʃu]
  • n. 问题;流出;期号;发行物
  • vt. 发行,发布;发给;放出,排出
  • vi. 发行;流出;造成…结果;传下


issue 问题,议题,期刊,发行



issue: [13] The words issue and exit are closely related etymologically. Both go back ultimately to the Latin verb exīre ‘go out’. Its past participle exitus became in Vulgar Latin exūtus, whose feminine form exūta was used as a noun meaning ‘going out, exit’. This passed into Old French as eissue, later issue, and thence into English.

The original literal sense of the word still survives in English, particularly in relation to the outflow of liquid, but has been overtaken in frequency by various metaphorical extensions denoting a ‘giving out’ – such as the ‘issue’ of a book or magazine. The sense ‘point of discussion or consideration’ probably comes from a medieval legal expression join issue, which originally meant ‘jointly submit a disputed matter to the decision of the court’, and hence ‘argue about something’.

=> exit
issue (n.)
c. 1300, "exit, a going out, flowing out," from Old French issue "a way out, exit," from fem. past participle of issir "to go out," from Latin exire (source also of Italian uscire, Catalan exir), from ex- "out" (see ex-) + ire "to go," from PIE root *ei- "to go" (see ion). Meaning "discharge of blood or other fluid from the body" is from 1520s; sense of "offspring" is from late 14c. Meaning "outcome of an action" is attested from late 14c., probably from French; legal sense of "point in question at the conclusion of the presentation by both parties in a suit" (early 14c. in Anglo-French) led to transferred sense of "a point to be decided" (1836). Meaning "action of sending into publication or circulation" is from 1833.
issue (v.)
c. 1300, "to flow out," from issue (n.) or else from Old French issu, past participle of issir; sense of "to send out authoritatively" is from c. 1600; that of "to supply (someone with something)" is from 1925. Related: Issued; issuing.


1. The key issue was whether the four defendants acted dishonestly.


2. She avoided the issue by ordering a turkey sandwich.


3. He said the issue was not a major irritant.


4. The issue threatened to decouple Europe from the United States.


5. This issue, more than any other, has divided her cabinet.

