英 [,ɪntə'niːsaɪn]美 ['ɪntɚ'nisaɪn]
internecine 内讧inter-,在内,在中间,相互,-nec,妨害,伤害,词源同noxious,nuisance.即内部相互伤害,内讧。
- internecine
- internecine: [17] Etymologically, internecine denotes ‘attended by great slaughter’. Its modern connotations of ‘conflict within a group’, which can be traced back to the 18th century (Dr Johnson in his Dictionary 1755 defines it as ‘endeavouring mutual destruction’), presumably arise from the standard interpretation of inter- as ‘among, between’. But in fact in the case of internecine it was originally used simply as an intensive prefix.
The word was borrowed from Latin internecīnus, a derivative of internecāre ‘slaughter, exterminate’. This was a compound verb formed with the intensive inter- from necāre ‘kill’ (a relative of English necromancy and pernicious).
=> necromancy, pernicious - internecine (adj.)
- 1660s, "deadly, destructive," from Latin internecinus "very deadly, murderous, destructive," from internecare "kill or destroy," from inter (see inter-) + necare "kill" (see noxious). Considered in the OED as misinterpreted in Johnson's Dictionary [1755], which defined it as "endeavouring mutual destruction," on association of inter- with "mutual" when the prefix supposedly is used in this case as an intensive. From Johnson, wrongly or not, has come the main modern definition of "mutually destructive."
- 1. The whole episode has drawn attention again to internecine strife in the ruling party.
- 整个事件再次引起人们对执政党内部纷争的关注。
- 2. The internecine strife was caused by a shortage of food.
- 这次内部冲突,是由于食物匮乏而引致的。
- 3. Strife was internecine during the next fortnight.
- 在以后两个星期的冲突中我们两败俱伤.
- 4. Marx foresaw constant internecine warfare among capitalists, resulting in and fewer controlling vaster and vaster empires.
- 马克思预见到资本家会不断自相残杀, 结果将造成越来越少的人控制着越来越大的帝国.
- 5. The strike with acerb contradictory conflict, massive capital, shut out, make both sides of capital internecine.
- 尖锐的劳资矛盾冲突 、 大规模的罢工 、 闭厂, 使得劳资双方两败俱伤.