英 ['fjuːtʃərɪz(ə)m]美 ['fjʊtʃə'rɪzəm]
futurism 未来主义来自future, 未来。
- futurism (n.)
- 1909 as the name of a movement in arts and literature, from Italian futurismo, coined 1909 by Italian poet Filippo Tommaso Marinetti (1876-1944); see future + -ism. Futurist is from 1911 in the arts movement sense; attested from 1842 in a Protestant theological sense ("one who holds that nearly the whole of the Book of Revelations refers principally to events yet to come" - Century Dictionary). As "one who has (positive) feelings about the future" it is attested from 1846 but marked in dictionaries as "rare."
- 1. Inspiration from avantgarde movements like Futurism and Op Art. Speed , dynamism, visual sense of velocity.
- 灵感来自先锋派,诸如未来主义和欧普艺术 、 视觉化的速度感.
- 2. Futurism rejected all traditions and attempted to glorify contemporary life by emphasizing the machine and motion.
- 未来学家拒绝一切传统,通过强调机器和运动来试图美化现代生活.
- 3. Attention should be also paid to a curriculum system with characteristics of futurism and openness.
- 设立具有前瞻性和开放性的课程体系.
- 4. Futurism is an Italian avantgarde movement as well as cubism and surrealism is French.
- 未来主义是意大利先锋派运动、立体派和法国超现实主义.