英 ['fɔːnə]美 ['fɔnə]
- n. 动物群;[动] 动物区系
- n. (Fauna)人名;(瑞典)福纳
1. Faun(弗恩: 农牧神):Fauna(女农牧神),Faunus(男农牧神),Fauna is the sister of Faunus.
2. fauna <=====> flora.
3. 区分:fauna, flora: 有r是花儿代表植物群,有n代表关动物的圈门所以表示动物群。
4. 谐音:放了,放了,放牧了。
fauna 动物群来自拉丁语Fauna, Faunua的妻子,姐妹或女儿。-a, 表阴性。瑞典植物学家林奈借用该词来指动物群,以与植物群flora相匹配。
- fauna
- fauna: [18] Fauna was a Roman goddess of the countryside, sister of Faunus (the Roman equivalent of Greek Pan) who was a nature and fertility god worshipped by shepherds, farmers, etc. The Swedish naturalist Carolus Linnaeus applied her name in 1746 to his catalogue of the animals of Sweden, Fauna suecica ‘Swedish Fauna’, and it has been used since then as a collective term for the animal life of a region (one of the earliest records of its use in English is by the naturalist Gilbert White in 1771). (Faunus, source of English faun [14], may be related ultimately to Latin favēre ‘regard favourably’, source of English favour.)
=> faun - fauna (n.)
- 1771, "the total of the animal life of a certain region or time, from Late Latin Fauna, a rustic Roman fertility goddess who was wife, sister, or daughter (or some combination) of Faunus (see faun).
Popularized by Linnaeus, who adopted it as a companion word to flora and used it in the title of his 1746 catalogue of the animals of Sweden, "Fauna Suecica." First used in English Gilbert White (1720-1793) the parson-naturalist.
- 1. A vacant lot or a bombsite can, to the amateur naturalist, produce an extraordinary variety of flora and fauna.
- 对于业余博物学者来说,在一片空地上或被炸后的废墟里可能发现种类繁多的植物群和动物群。
- 2. Litter breakdown or fragmentation is due to the litter fauna.
- 落叶层粉碎的原因在于落叶层的动物相.
- 3. The fauna in the Joli Fou consists of bivalves and arenaceous forams.
- 乔里富组内的化石主要是双壳类和砂壳有孔虫.
- 4. All of this unfolds into a panorama of beautifully balanced fauna and flora.
- 组合成了奇异的“动植物王国”.
来自汉英文学 - 散文英译
- 5. There they compile precious documents on the manners, government, religion, fauna and flora of the country.
- 他们在这里搜集了不少关于风俗 、 政府 、 宗教 、 当地动植物等方面的宝贵资料.