英 [ɪk'stəʊl; ek-]美 [ɪk'stol]
1. tollere 'raise, lift, carry, bear, support', source of English extol and tolerate.
2. tolerate => extol.
3. lat- "carry, borne," from *tlat-, past participle stem of tollere. => latus is variant pp. of tollere.
4. Extol: 你真是tall(高)啊!----赞美。
extol 称赞ex-, 向外。-tol, 承受,举起,词源同tolerate.
- extol
- extol: see tolerate
- extol (v.)
- also extoll, c. 1400, "to lift up," from Latin extollere "to place on high, raise, elevate," figuratively "to exalt, praise," from ex- "up" (see ex-) + tollere "to raise," from PIE *tele- "to bear, carry," "with derivatives referring to measured weights and thence money and payment" [Watkins].
Cognates include Greek talantos "bearing, suffering," tolman "to carry, bear," telamon "broad strap for bearing something," talenton "a balance, pair of scales," Atlas "the 'Bearer' of Heaven;" Lithuanian tiltas "bridge;" Sanskrit tula "balance," tulayati "lifts up, weighs;" Latin tolerare "to bear, support," latus "borne;" Old English þolian "to endure;" Armenian tolum "I allow." Figurative sense of "praise highly" in English is first attested c. 1500. Related: Extolled; extolling.
- 1. Doctors often extol the virtues of eating less fat.
- 医生常常宣扬少吃脂肪的好处。
- 2. We of the younger generation extol the wisdom of the great leader and educator.
- 我们年轻一代崇拜那位伟大的引路人和教育家的智慧.
- 3. It is the humour of many heads to extol the days of their forefathers.
- 许多人天生喜欢吹捧祖先的时代.
- 4. If you extol dawn, then ask you to embrace night too?
- 如果你曾歌颂黎明, 那么也请你拥抱黑夜?
- 5. Remember, you should extol his work, which men have praised in song.
- 你应记住要赞颂他的工程, 这是人们应歌咏的.