英 [ɪs'tʃuː; es-]美 [ɪsˈtʃuː]
1. skew, 该词本义为“躲避”,后来引申为为了躲避而偏斜、歪斜(turn aside to avoid or shun something)。
2. skew => eschew.
eschew 逃避e-, 缓音字母。-schew, 同shy, 害羞,逃避。
- eschew
- eschew: [14] Eschew is ultimately of Germanic origin, although it reached English via French. Its remote ancestor is prehistoric Germanic *skeukhwaz, source also of English shy. A verb based on this, *skeukhwan, was borrowed into Vulgar Latin as *skīvāre, which in Old French became eschiver or eschuer – whence English eschew. An Old Northern French variant of the Old French form, eskiuer, gave English skew [14] (which originally meant ‘escape’), while modern French esquiver ‘dodge’ (actually a reborrowing from Italian schivare rather than a direct descendant of Old French eschiver) could be the source of English skive [20], a probable borrowing by British servicemen in France during World War I.
=> skew, skive - eschew (v.)
- mid-14c., from Old French eschiver "shun, eschew, avoid, dispense with," from Frankish *skiuhan "dread, avoid, shun," from Proto-Germanic *skeukhwaz (cognates: Old High German sciuhen "to avoid, escape," German scheuen "to fear, shun, shrink from," scheu "shy, timid"); see shy (adj.). Related: Eschewed; eschewing; eschewal; eschewance. Italian schivare "to avoid, shun, protect from," schivo "shy, bashful" are related loan words from Germanic. For e-, see e-.
- 1. A civilised leader must eschew violence.
- 文明领导人必须避免使用暴力.
- 2. A civilized leader must eschew violence.
- 文明领导人必须避免使用暴力。
- 3. Eschew fattening foods if you want to lose weight.
- 你如想减肥,就不要吃致肥的食物.
- 4. They eschew number - crunching and regression models in favour of personal issues.
- 新一代商学院教员避免摆弄数字,也不搞衰退模型,而喜欢研究个性化问题.
- 5. Eschew evil, and do good ( Book of Common Prayer ).
- “不做恶事, 做善事” ( 普通祈祷者手册 ).