英 [sɪ'gɑː]美 [sɪ'ɡɑr]
1. 音译“雪茄”。
2. 中文命名的由来: 1924年的秋天,刚从德国柏林和第一任妻子张幼仪办妥离婚手续的徐志摩回到上海。周末,在一家私人会所里邀请了当年诺贝尔文学奖得主泰戈尔先生。泰戈尔是忠实的雪茄客,在两人共享吞云吐雾之时,泰戈尔问徐志摩:“Do you have a name for cigar in Chinese?(你有没有给雪茄起个中文名?)”徐志摩回答:“Cigar之燃灰白如雪,Cigar之烟草卷如茄,就叫雪茄吧!”经过他的中文诠释,已将原名的形与意,造就了更高的境界。
- cigar
- cigar: [18] Cigar comes from Spanish cigarro, whose origin is disputed. One story, perhaps more picturesque than accurate, is that it is an adaptation of cigarra, the Spanish word for ‘cicada’; supposedly this insect, with its stout body round which are wrapped large transparent leaflike wings, was held to resemble a cigar. Others have preferred to see as the source sicar, the verb for ‘smoke’ in the language of the ancient Maya of Central America. Cigarette is a French derivative, with the diminutive suffix -ette, apparently coined in the early 1840s.
- cigar (n.)
- 1730, from Spanish cigarro (source also of French cigare), probably from Maya sicar "to smoke rolled tobacco leaves," from si'c "tobacco;" or from or influenced by Spanish cigarra "grasshopper, cicada" (on resemblance of shape), from Vulgar Latin *cicala (source also of French cigale, Italian cigala). Cigar-box is from 1819; cigar-store from 1839; the wooden cigar-store Indian is from 1879, American English, but wooden images of feathered Indians or Negroes are mentioned outside tobacconists' shops in England by 1852, and are said to have been in earlier use on the Continent.
Blackamoors and other dark-skinned foreigners have always possessed considerable attractions as signs for tobacconists, and sometimes also for public-houses. Negroes, with feathered headdresses and kilts, smoking pipes, are to be seen outside tobacco shops on the Continent, as well as in England. [Jacob Larwood and John Camden Hotten, "The History of Signboards From the Earliest Times to the Present Day," London, 1867]
- 1. She handed the cigar back to Jason with a self-satisfied smile.
- 她得意地笑着把雪茄给贾森递了回去。
- 2. He reached into his breast pocket for his cigar case.
- 他把手伸进胸前口袋里拿雪茄烟盒。
- 3. He paused to stub out the butt of his cigar.
- 他停下来,踩灭了手中的烟头。
- 4. Captain Bowen permitted himself one cigar a day.
- 鲍恩上尉破例允许自己每天抽一支雪茄。
- 5. He was sitting alone, smoking a big cigar.
- 他独自坐在那儿,抽着一只大雪茄。