英 ['æmənaɪt]美 ['æmə,naɪt]
- n. [古生] 菊石;干肉粉(作肥料用);鹦鹉螺的化石
ammonite 菊石化石螺。因酷似埃及神Ammon(羊头人身) 头上的羊角而得名。来自拉丁短语cornu ammonis.
- ammonite
- ammonite: [18] Like ammonia, the ammonite gets its name from a supposed connection with Amon, or Amen, the Egyptian god of life and reproduction. In art he is represented as having ram’s horns, and the resemblance of ammonites to such horns led to their being named in the Middle Ages cornu Ammōnis ‘horn of Amon’. In the 18th century the modern Latin term ammonītēs (anglicized as ammonite) was coined for them. Earlier, ammonites had been called snake stones in English, a term which survived dialectally well into the 19th century.
- ammonite (n.)
- "cephalopod mollusk," 1758, from French (Breyn, 1732), "better established" [Century Dictionary] by French zoologist Jean Guillaume Bruguière (c. 1750-1798) in 1789, from Medieval Latin (cornu) Ammonis "horn of Ammon," the Egyptian god of life and reproduction, who was depicted with ram's horns, which the fossils resemble. The resemblance also was noted in ancient times.
- 1. AMMONITE: Ammonite is a protective stone, giving stability and structure to one's life.
- Ammonite 是保护的水晶, 给稳定和协助组织生活.
- 2. Zelek the Ammonite, Naharai armour bearer to Joab the son of Zeruiah.
- 37亚扪人洗勒, 比录人拿哈莱(是给洗鲁雅的儿子约押拿兵器的 )
- 3. His mother's name was Naamah; she was an Ammonite.
- 罗波安的母亲名叫拿玛, 是亚扪人.
- 4. That an Ammonite or Moabite shall never marry the daughter of an Israelite ( Deut .23:4 ) ( negative ).
- 拿,呢条已经讲到明,亚扪人、是摩押人唔可以聚以色列女子为妻, 冇 话以色列人唔可以聚亚扪或是摩押女子为妻.
- 5. Here , Tobiah, an Ammonite, was allotted a room in the holy temple area.
- 但是现况却是, 亚们人多比雅在神殿的当中得到了一个房间.