
英 [ælb]美 [ælb]
  • n. 白麻布圣职衣
  • n. (Alb)人名;(罗)阿尔布;(匈)奥尔布


alb (n.)
late Old English albe, from Late Latin alba (in tunica alba or vestis alba "white vestment"), fem. of albus "white," from PIE root *albho- "white" (cognates: Greek alphos "white leprosy," alphiton "barley meal;" Old High German albiz, Old English elfet "swan," literally "the white bird;" Old Church Slavonic and Russian lebedi, Polish łabędź "swan;" Hittite alpash "cloud").


1. Objective : To define TRf and ALb levels in urina.
目的: 观察147例2型糖尿病病人的尿转铁蛋白(TRf)及白蛋白(ALb)水平.


2. The test of ALT, AST, � � - GT, LDH, CHE, α - HBDH, α - Amy, CK, CK - MB, T - Bil, P - ALB , T - CHO, TG, HDL - Cho , ApoA 1, ApoB 100, GSP, D 3 and Urea levels are limited by using heparin.
目前条件下ALT 、 AST 、 -γGT 、 LDH 、 CHE 、 -αHBDH 、 -αAmy 、 CK 、 CK-MB 、 T-Bil 、 P -ALB 、 T-CHO 、 TG 、 HDL -Cho 、 ApoA1 、 ApoB100 、 GSP 、 D3和Urea运用肝素有局限性.


3. Five blood protein loci ( Alb, Pro, Tf, Prt, Hb ) of 40 Xinjiang Tianshan Wapiti were detected by vertical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
采用垂直板聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术, 分析了40头新疆天山马鹿的血清白蛋白(Alb), 前白蛋白 ( Pro), 转铁蛋白(Tf ),前转铁蛋白(Prt),血红蛋白(Hb)5个蛋白座位的基因型频率 、 基因频率和群体遗传变异指标,以便为天山马鹿选种选配繁育工作提供理论依据.


4. Purpose To study the clinicopathological features, histogenesis and differential diagnosis of adamantinoma of long bone ( ALB ).
目的探讨长骨造釉细胞瘤(adamantinomaof long bone,ALB ) 的临床病理特征 、 诊断和鉴别诊断及其组织发生.


5. Alb, α 1 - MG and � � 1 - MG were demonstrated sigificant positive correlations with SCr and BUN.
Alb 、 α 1MG 、β2MG与 SCr、bun呈明显正相关.

